The Henselmans

PT Course reviews

We have alumni from all over the world.

  • Serious lifters who took the course for their self-development and own results. 
  • Those who had no prior education and wanted to start their career by helping others.
  • Personal trainers who wanted to expand their knowledge and get better results.

"Menno's course is the best money you can spend in your life and not just if you want to become a PT.

He will educate you not only about training and nutrition but also psychology. Menno is always available to answer all your questions. He is passionate about this and he gives you 10x value more than what you pay for it.

I am currently recommending this to all my friends!"

Dr. Alessandro Ferrari

PhD in biochemistry, PT and author at

"This course has been by far the best money I have spent in the area of exercise and nutrition. It was great to finally have all of the current literature reviewed and put into a practical way of learning.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone that doesn't find a "Just Because" reasoning behind the application of fitness theory acceptable."

James Sackl

"The Strength Scientist", BSc, MSc in Exercise Science

Abel Csabai, fitness blogger and podcaster

"An awesome investment [...]"

Lars Desmet 

Belgian Personal trainer, competitive powerlifter, owner of Lars Desmet PT

"If you care about living up to other people's expectations and want a course that is going to give you an 'entry ticket' in your gym around the corner, if you care about the most popular certification and a cool title next to your name, this is not the course for you. 

If you are looking to get huge value for your money, obtain an insane amount of practical knowledge in a short time and learn the exact tools on how to get clients progressing at their maximal potential, then this is the course you're looking for!

Want to take your PT game straight to professional levels? Stop wasting time and take this damn course! You'll thank yourself later down the road for saving you years of frustration, time and money. Seriously, the things you learn here will last you a lifetime."

"The Henselmans PT course has been the most valuable investment of my time in my career as a personal trainer. 

I have seen exceptional results having applied the diet and training principles to my client base.

I highly recommend this course to any trainer dealing with clients who are interested in losing fat and gaining muscle."

Richard Kerr-Phillips

Personal trainer, fitness model

"Menno's PT course was one of the best investment choices I have made for my continuing education.

Each topic in the syllabus is covered thoroughly and he has both anecdotal evidence and research to back up his principles and methods.

If the course topics look interesting to you, definitely sign up!"

Zach Moore

MA, CSCS, USAW, Pn2, Personal Trainer; Coach and Research Coordinator at Precision Nutrition

Noel Blanco

Actor, stuntman, model, martial artist and personal trainer

"The Henselmans PT Course is one of the, if not the, most comprehensive and scientifically up-to-date bodies of knowledge in the fitness industry today [...] It is highly recommended for all trainers, coaches, and athletes who are truly serious in their craft."

Joe Flaherty 

Certified Henselmans PT, owner of

"I can not recommend this course enough to anyone who claims to take their fitness and nutrition endeavors seriously. 

By cutting through the nonsense that floods the bodybuilding industry and using an evidence-based approach, I can honestly say I've learned more in the past 6 months than the past 6 years.

 You don't simply get a few bullet points that say "do this, don't do that" each week; when you finish a unit, you know exactly what to tailor in a given context, and you have the ammo to confidently explain to you client (or fellow bro) why you're doing what you're doing. 

The constant access to Menno and the fellow students in the group fosters an environment of critical thinking that is crucial to the growth process. In my opinion, just being involved with this group of thinkers was worth the price of admission alone; the fact that the course material vastly exceeded my expectations basically makes the price tag irrelevant. 

If you have any hesitations about taking this course: don't. You will not be disappointed, and your clients (and your own physique!) will be forever grateful. 5 stars doesn't do it justice!"

Joe Flaherty Henselmans PT course review

"As a dietitian and natural bodybuilding competitor, I was on the lookout for a highly specialized program that would summarize and provide insights into the most recent scientific evidence for what works, what doesn't work, and what's still up in the air.

I searched high and low, but most fitness nutrition or PT programs were too basic or too general.

And then I found the Henselmans PT course, which has turned out to be exactly what I was after ... true evidence based fitness and bodybuilding training from a knowledgeable expert with real world experience.

If you're after evidence based fitness knowledge and training for your coaching career, seriously, look no further. This is the gold."

Rhoda Lucas

BSc, MSc Nutrition & Dietetics

"I feel that the most important thing this course offered was the Bayesian thinking process, which makes us unique among rest of the scientific crowd in fitness. I'm really happy that I could follow the course along with a full time job and other commitments.

The course was designed really well; having all the aspects that are related to fitness. The lectures consisted of review of the relevant scientific literature and their practical applications in fitness coaching.

Extra study material was also recommended which provided further perspective and clarity on the topics. The class group was well organized and fellow students could discuss the topics taught at one place and clarify doubts with Menno.

I enjoyed the course and I couldn't ask for more than this: I'm satisfied!"

Vivek Ghangas

Online Fitness Coach at

"The Henselmans PT Course is the best course for natural lifters. It is very detailed course [...] You won't find this information anywhere else. "

Michael Karam

Personal Trainer

"Taking the Henselmans PT Course was the single best possible decision for my future career [...] Words can not express it."

Nuno Azevedo

Personal Trainer

Matthew Van Shellenbeck, CPA

"The Henselmans PT course is really in a class of its own. The course materials, open dialogue, and design are fantastic.

I find myself going back to the course documents quite often to refresh my memory. From macros to food choices to supplements the Henselmans PT course has everything you need. 

My most recent cut has been infinitely easier thanks to some of the things I learned during the PT course. You don’t just learn the methodology but learn the reasoning and science behind the Henselmans method.

I would highly recommend this course to all fitness professionals and people like me that are really interested in nutrition and exercise."

"I have never taken a course that used so much science and research to back up all of their advice.

Everything taught is backed not only by 100s of research studies but also be 100s of clients and personal examples. Amazing course."

Devin Ford

Owner, 15th ranked CrossFitter in the world

"The Henselmans PT course has helped me to better align my coaching practice with the latest evidence in nutrition and training.

The quality of education rivals and even exceeds that found in upper level university courses.

It should be the standard by which all other PT courses are measured"

Brianna Neuwirth

Registered Nurse and Head Nutrition Coach of Neulinea LTD.

Tiemen Esprit

Personal Trainer & Lifestyle-Coach

This course has been eye-opening to me in many ways. You get great frameworks to use with your clients where the guesswork is replaced by concrete guidelines backed by science (to which all the links are provided).

Furthermore there is an abundancy of interesting course materials to read and learn, and if this was not enough added with video-lectures and recommended readings.

To top this off, you become part of a wonderful community of like-minded people to ask questions, help eachother out and so on.

"I had an unbelievable and so positive experience with this PT course.

As a rationale and science lover, I found exactly what I was looking for to - finally - clearly understand the no-BS concepts and details around strength training, nutrition and so much more.

Does the return on investment worth it? Definitely yes. Thanks for all Menno!"

Marco Ruiz

B.Sc. Space Engineer and Personal Trainer

"I’ve read everything I could reach on the topic of nutrition and training since 1986 and now I’m astonished how much I have learned in the short time since this course began. Great stuff, scientific and professional.

This is my third iteration of The Henselmans PT Course, and I’m going to continue with it.

I would highly recommend to anyone else who’s seriously interested in bringing up his / her knowledge on the topic doing the same."

Dr. Serguei Novikov

DrSc (Dr.rer.nat.), competitive powerlifter

Victor Nicoara

Average Joe

"I can greatly recommend the course to all average Joes who are into getting lean and muscular, whether just a little bit or a lot so.

Not only does one learn about how to do that, but you get excellently researched advice on lifestyle, food, micronutrition that can actually change your life in a meaningful, sustainable way - no wonder pill lifehack bullshit here.

Menno will always answer your questions (very occasionally more curtly than warranted, so it might take adjusting to that style for some).

But the best thing I can say about the course is that towards the end of it, whenever a question popped in my mind and I thought about asking Menno about it, I realised that I can nearly always find the answer by either looking in the materials or comments, using the principles from the course, experimentation or just researching on my own."

'Overfloading with new information, I have achieved a higher level as a trainer for sure.'

Geert Haeren

Personal Trainer

‘"One of the best decisions of my life so far. I learned an incredible amount of information concerning everything from training to nutrition and psychology.

I recommend this course to everyone who wants to get into evidence based fitness and coaching."

Jan Schneider

Dan Garner

Best-selling author, nutritional consultant, international lecturer

"Menno Henselmans has put together one of the best courses I have ever been through and I could fearlessly recommend his work to coaches anywhere.

If you’re looking for a place to learn legitimate and thorough information on both training and nutrition that is filtered in a way that you can directly apply to your clientele, check out the Henselmans PT certification.

It’s the real deal."

"Mennos course was great. Evidence based and educational, I would dare say it should be the minimum requirement for all personal trainers to be Henselmans certified."

Shannon billows

Melbourne personal trainer

"If you think there is more to fitness than lifting heavy weights and obsessive dieting, this course is for you!"


Personal Trainer


"I can't say enough about the course. Not only is the information extensive, but it is presented in a way that is directly applicable to the process of coaching rather than solely informative. It doesn't just present facts, but rather explains the principles that produce the facts, thus empowering us as trainers to solve any problem we face, regardless of whether it's been seen before.

The value in the scientific references cannot be overstated. Knowing that you, Menno, have vetted the research, deemed its quality sufficient, analyzed its data and drawn conclusions, makes me confident to use it and reference it.

The Henselmans method itself, of analyzing the costs and benefits of any action in the larger scope of increased well-being, is something I think is lost on a lot of trainers and the perspective is invaluable.

For me in particular, the thorough coverage of biomechanics has opened up my eyes to look at "proper form" in an entirely new way.

I plan to participate in courses for as long as you offer them. The value of your consult and the group Q&A is top notch, and discussing case problems with like minds is incredibly helpful."

"The Henselmans PT Course was definitely an eye opener. The information was super detailed, and it really helped make things easy to understand in the way it was presented. I really enjoyed the course!"

Dave Shutler

CPT, Fitness Model, Author

“I can be short about this course: it delivers and it does so big-time. A no-brainer for every serious professional.”

Sander Hageman

Personal Trainer

Lisa Marie

Owner and Managing director and PT at

"There’s so much information and Menno manages to be very objective, direct and honest throughout his course – not showing us merely HIS method, but rather giving us all the information and means to find more information so that we can find our own method. 

I have already tried out some of the things I have learned with great results. Taking this PT course is worth every penny, as it will surely enhance your knowledge as a coach.

Also for the individual bodybuilder, it will enable you to be your own coach and give you the knowledge and the means to trust yourself in that process."

"As a former client of Menno, I expected a lot from the PT Course. And I got a lot more than I anticipated. 

I am looking forward to take the course again in a few years to get all the updates.

Just having access to Menno himself on a daily basis is well worth the price."

Erwin Olmanst

Personal trainer

"Before the PT course, I thought I had a pretty good grasp on topics surrounding nutrition and training.

I was wrong...

Menno's breadth of knowledge and expertise was both humbling and inspiring.

Menno has seemingly achieved mastery in the PT field; a feat few can hold."

Andrew Ferreira

Harvard graduate, retired professional baseball player, nutrition consultant, owner of

Dr. Larry Feinman, DC, CSCS

I found the Henselmans PT course to be exceptional. The vast amount of science based and researched information presented by Menno in the course was above and beyond what one would expect. 

I gained an immense amount of knowledge on training, nutrition, and programming for body composition changes as well as for overall fitness and health. Anybody wanting to enhance their credentials and career in the fitness industry or obtain invaluable information for their own personal knowledge should sign up for the next course immediately.

Certainly the most comprehensive course I have taken... Superb!"

"I have learned so much...the astounding knowledge and advice has given me the platform to achieve great things."

Nina Ross

Nina Ross

IFBB Pro Bikini Athlete, Bachelor of Science (with Honors), International Title Holder in Bikini, Figure & Body Fitness

"The depth of the material goes beyond anything you will find in the current literature or typical PT courses offered.If you are at all interested in furthering your knowledge with an evidence based approach.You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity!"

Børge A. Fagerli

Creator of Myo-reps & the Biorythym Diet, Owner of

Linda Mirabito

Natural Professional Bodybuilder, USAG National Certified Gymnastics coach

"I would recommend The Henselmans PT course with highest regards. 

I have been to several bodybuilding seminars and took a different personal training certification course a few years ago. However, I found myself telling everyone how wonderful this course was in comparison.

It offered a useful and unique format along with fluent references to the application of the materials. I am truly grateful for Menno sharing his passion and dedication, and would encourage others to participate in his next course."

"The Henselmans PT course is among the best information for personal trainers. Best thing about the course is that you won't get any cookie-cutter solutions or practical solutions. 

Menno provides the info and you will have to find your own way through the information. This will ensure that you will master the information better and are able to make your own adjustments. Very recommended!"

Berend Buil

Personal Trainer

"Menno’s couse is by far the best course I have done so far and I can tell you I've done quite a few of them. This course is worth every penny and the information you get is incredible.

I am blown away with Menno’s knowledge and his commitment to this course to help all his students become better at what they do. "

Michal Palus

Personal Trainer

Paul Stevenson

Personal Trainer

“Having been in the fitness industry for 10 years, the Henselmans PT Course has been by far the best course I have completed, both for quality and quantity of information and value for money.

I would (and have) highly recommend this course to any trainers in the fitness industry. I feel my knowledge has increased drastically, but more importantly, my ability to think critically and apply the information has improved markedly too.

Menno is a fantastic educator and I am looking forward to doing this course again next time.”

"This is the most educated PT course I've ever followed."

Freek Verbeet

Personal Trainer

"In 6 months I got more 'Brain gainz' than in my past 9 years of reading about fitness and nutrition."

Ernestas Švedkauskas

Personal Trainer

Jyoti Dabas

N.D., Holistic Health Practitioner, author and blogger at

"The Henselmans PT course is well researched and covers topics in amazing depth. The clarity of thought and reasoning that runs through the course is almost mesmerising. 

Most importantly, it tells you whether a particular methodology works or not without intellectualising on the subject too much.

I am yet to come across a course which is as practical and comprehensive as this one.

Honoured to be learning from you, Menno!"

"This course is a must for anyone looking to advance their training knowledge, gain a new perspective and improve their physique.”

Conor Heffernan

Personal Trainer, writer and historian, owner of Physical Culture Study

"Understandable and addicting [...] this course has taken my fitness knowledge to another level."

Heath Rust

biohacker, fitness enthusiast, entrepreneur

Ivan Gavranic

Manager, BSc Sport Science, BSc Nutrition, Personal Trainer at

“The Henselmans PT Course is easily the most informative and practical course I have ever been involved with. It has literally changed my entire approach to not only myself but also for my clients and the way I educate personal trainers.

I have never felt more confident in writing programs, devising nutritional and lifestyle strategies and providing an excellent all round service for my clients.

The quality of the content is second to none and it really shows how heavily Menno (and the entire Henselmans PT Course team) is entrenched into the research.

I could literally not recommend this course enough to anyone who wants to truly maximise their own development physically and mentally.

The only downside is realising how much time and energy you have wasted previously.”

"Outstanding course!

If you are looking for an online course with excellent in-depth information combined with practical tools for improving yourself or your clients, this is it!"

Carlo Kapojos

Personal Trainer at

"Unbelievable compact & dense. 

Nearly all questions regarding training, strength & nutrition are answered. Beginners, advanced, professionals, young & elderly - all is covered & cited with studies."

Josef Zellner

Austrian strength coach, owner of Joe's Gym:

Nick Brackett

Coach at Freedom Fitness

"Without 'dumbing down' the course, Menno does an excellent job of making the materials easy to understand for those with no formal training but are willing to invest the time into it. I found the content to be extremely thorough, backed by hundreds of studies and his wealth of personal experience.

Without reservation, I would recommend this course to anyone who is in the fitness industry, or who would like to enter it. I cannot imagine a more complete collection of knowledge on the subject of body re-composition. If that is your area of interest, this course is an absolute bargain to invest in."

"The course has absolutely rocked from start to finish. [...] It's shaped the way I think about coaching for the rest of my career."

David Green

Online Coach, Stongest version online coaching

"I was stunned to see this course bring more serious information than all Dutch 'official' educations combined."

Jeroen de Vries PT course review

Jeroen de Vries

Personal Trainer, Bodyformation PT

Amir Pozderac

"If you think two degrees, all of the NASM's certs and endless reading for over 15 years helps one "figure out a few things in fitness", think again!

Menno's course is definitely THE best investment I have ever made in my education. You will learn things in such depth that most of what you have known before will seem like you were just scratching the surface.

The greatest investment you will ever make is in your skills, knowledge and deep understanding of the field you love.

Look no further than this course as there is nothing out there that compares!"

"The Henselmans PT Course is the best course I've taken in regards to content and information. By far!"

Carl Gerrit Lauritzen

"5/5 Stars. I learned more from this course than studying in college to become a PT."

Stephane Aliphon

Personal Trainer

Sigvar Garfors

National powerlifting champion, Personal Trainer, Osteopath and competitive bodybuilder

"I can not thank Menno enough for providing such a good learning platform! This is a must for every personal trainer or strength training enthusiast who wants to know what works (best) and what doesn’t!

[...] the part about pain and injuries kinda blew my mind. I think there’s more useful info in those 27 pages than I was taught during 4 years at the Norwegian school of health sciences studying to be an osteopath!"

"I've been doing a Health Coaching qualification in parallel to the Henselmans PT Course, and learnt more from this document than 6 months of the other course."

Cymron Bancil

Hercules Olympia WABBA Men Model UK Champion

"Taking the Henselmans PT Course was the single best possible decision for my future career [...] Words can not express it."

Darko Botic

Online Coach, Macro's Inc.

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