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Personal trainers

The following directory contains all currently active, Henselmans certified Personal Trainers. All alumni have successfully graduated from the Henselmans PT Course by passing the exam.


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Abdulrahman Alsuwailem
Business name: Alsuwailem.pt
Country: Kuwait
I am a sports nutritionist and a personal trainer. I provide people with evidence-based information on my Instagram page and TikTok. I also have helped many clients reach their fitness goal.
Adarsh Gopalakrishnan
On location Online
Business name: Movement inc
Country: India
We are a strength and conditioning facility which offers personal training, semi-private classes and online coaching.We also make customised strength training equipment such as t-bells, trapbars, adjustable dumbbells and pul up bars under the brand Gearhound ( www.gearhound.fit )
Ahmad Dashti
On location Online
Business name: AhmadDashti
Country: Kuwait
My Name is Ahmad and I'm an evidenve based online coach and a personal trainer and a fitness content creator. I have quit my job as an Engineer to pursue my love and passion for fitness & strength training. I've had successfully helped many clients lose fat and build more muscle and strength and overall helped them change their lifestyle and old habits to a better lifestyle and healthier habits. I Love what I do and if this is something you're looking for then I'd be more than happy to help you. My online coaching services are in both English and Arabic.
Akmal Ismail
On location Online
Business name: Coach Akmal Resources
Country: Malaysia
A fat loss and physique coach, specialized in helping people structuring nutrition and training programs to optimize fat loss and muscle building. 20 years experience in weight training, and 10 years experience of coaching.
Alain Thai
Country: France
Diplômé Bayesian - Online Coaching
Alan Deely
On location Online
Business name: Alan Deely
Country: Ireland
I am a nutrition & health coach and a Menno Henselmans certified personal trainer. If you want to drop the fat, get fit, lean and eventually ripped, I'm your guy.
Alessandro R. Ferrari
Business name: Alessandro R. Ferrari
Country: United States
The Broscientist: Science For The Bros, Without Bullshit
Alexander Lashkov
On location Online
Business name: Reforma.club
Country: Russia
Owner and trainer in a network of fitness clubs Reforma.club.
Alexandre Degorre
On location Online
Business name: Ironlab By Alex
Country: France
Passionné par la musculation, j'ai rapidement appris via des références dans le domaine, d'abord francophone avec Michael Gundill, Rudy Coia pour ensuite m'intéressé à ce qui était enseigné Outre-Atlantique, pour cela, Eric Helms, Mike Israetel étaient de ceux dont j'ai le plus appris. Le Bayesian Bodybuilding était pour moi un moyen d'approfondir mes connaissances tout en acquérant une légitimité à coacher les personnes ayant un objectif. Dernièrement j'ai obtenu un CQP Instructeur Fitness pour exercer le métier de coach en toute quiétude et sécurité.
Alexandre Pflugfelder
Country: France
Kiné, préparateur physique, coach de crossfit et coach Bayesian certifié. Pour tout suivi individuel je me servirais de mes différentes formations pour personnaliser au mieux en fonction de vos objectifs.
Alexis Bardy
On location Online
Business name: Your Training Rule
Country: France
Je pratique la musculation et les sports de combat depuis 15 ans. Passionné par le développement physique et mental, j'ai suivi la formation Bayesian et obtenu le diplôme avec mention en 2022. J'ai créé Your Training Rule pour incarner ma philosophie de l'entraînement. Je propose un accompagnement sportif à distance et individualisé, ce qui permet un maximum de flexibilité et te permet de disposer d'un programme d'entraînement évolutif qui correspond exactement à tes objectifs et contraites. N'hésite pas à consulter les avis sur ma page Google Maps !
Alfred MacDonald
On location Online
Business name: Alfred MacDonald
Country: United States
Evidence-based fitness, knowledgeable in psychology and successful in getting weight loss results. (See https://tinyurl.com/macdonaldclientinformation for inquiries, or email/text.)
Alyona Lezhava
Business name: Alyona Moves
Country: Russia
As a seasoned wellness professional with over a decade of experience in exercise, yoga, nutrition, and overall wellbeing, I am dedicated to empowering women to transform their lives through a comprehensive and holistic approach to training. Through meticulously crafted fitness programs, I work with my clients to achieve optimal results and enhance both their physical appearance and overall sense of wellbeing.
Amandine Chapuis
Business name: Amandine Coach Sport et Nutrition
Country: France
Passionnée par l'entraînement et la nutrition depuis plusieurs années, et aujourd'hui certifiée Personal Trainer Bayesian, je vous aide à atteindre vos objectifs via un suivi 100% personnalisé.
Amira Chamkhia
Business name: The Food Line By AmiraChk
Country: France
Je me prénomme Amira j’ai 33 ans et je souhaite me servir de mon expérience personnelle pour aider un maximum de personnes à reprendre une bonne hygiène de vie et à comprendre que leur corps n’a pas de limite quand on en prend soin chaque jour.
Anaïs Godin
Business name: AG COACHING
Country: France
Bonjour, Anaïs 25 ans, passionnée de musculation et nutrition depuis mes 16 ans. Je pratique actuellement la musculation et le crossfit, et je souhaiterais faire de la programmation d'entraînement et de diet en ligne.
Anais Hugon
Business name: Anais Hugon
Country: France
En pleine étude d'expertise comptable, et étant passionnée de musculation et de nutrition, je me suis lancée dans cette formation avec pour objectif de devenir coach en ligne et d'acquérir des connaissances. Je propose donc du coaching en ligne avec spécification nutrition
Anastassia Khokhlov
Business name: Anastassia Khokhlov
Country: France
J'aide les femmes à se transformer durablement, avec bienveillance et flexibilité.
Andreas Hauptmann
Business name: Andreas Hauptmann
Country: Germany
Hallo, mein Name ist Andreas und ich bin 26 Jahre alt. Meine Leidenschaft ist es die Körperkomposition meiner Klienten mit Hilfe von Krafttraining und guter Ernährung zu ihrem Wunsch zu verändern. Um dadurch: Fitter, Belastbarer, so wie im Alltag durch weniger Krankheit und mehr Selbstvertrauen glücklicher zu werden. Durch einen umfassenden Online Coaching Service und eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit mir, ist dein Erfolg sicher, wenn auch du bereit dazu bist dafür zu arbeiten. Bei interesse melde dich gerne für ein kostenloses Erstgespräch.
Andries Bautista
Business name: Superhuman
Country: Netherlands
Superhuman offers a Interactive Coaching program that emphasizes four key areas (Training, Nutrition, Mindset & Lifestyle), all skillfully designed to unlock the Superhuman within. No matter your ultimate goal, the Superhuman coaching program is designed to set the foundation for unlocking your potential in all facets of life.
Andy Marlow
On location Online
Business name: The Back Coach
Country: United Arab Emirates
Personal training / Nutrition coaching / Low back rehab
Angélique Terrier
On location Online
Business name: Seleecoach
Country: France
Coach nutrition et sport. Spécialiste des TCA et de la recomposition corporelle, méthode fléxible.
Anna Gyüre
Country: Hungary
Online training and nutrition coaching, pre- and postnatal coaching.
Arianne Bakelaar
On location Online
Business name: LevelUp Sportcoaching
Country: Netherlands
I coach you to a stronger, fitter and more confident athlete through personal training & online coaching. We are going LevelUp!
Arnaud Lemiere
On location Online
Business name: AL-coaching
Country: France
Diplômé d'un doctorat de sciences physiques, coach stagiaire et pratiquant de CrossFit depuis 6 ans, j'utilise mes connaissances scientifiques pour t'aider à atteindre tes objectifs sportifs et nutritionnels.
Arunava Chatterjee
Business name: Coach Arunava Chatterjee
Country: India
Online certified fitness coach. Transformation, weight loss, bodybuilding expert. Mail for consultation.
Aude Bonnet
On location Online
Business name: o2ladeslimites
Country: France
Sport, mental et nutrition sont pour moi trois piliers essentiels! Je vous propose une approche globale adaptée à vos besoins pour un résultat optimal et durable. Ma spécialité: la préparation mentale avec les Techniques d'Optimisation du Potentiel, la méthode de préparation mentale créée et développée dans l'armée française.
Bakri Samee
Country: Canada
Evidence Based online coaching with a focus on individual variability.
Baptiste Porquet
On location Online
Business name: BaptistePersonalTrainer
Country: France
Baptiste Personal Trainer, en définissant un programme adapté à votre profil, vous permettra d’atteindre ces objectifs de manière optimum. En suivant les conseils sur la pratique du sport et sur la nutrition à adaptée, il ne suffira plus que la motivation pour atteindre vos objectifs. Grâce à un suivi régulier et des conseils adaptés, la pratique du sport vous semblera plus simple et vous pourrez enfin mesurer vos efforts. Alors en fonction de vos objectifs, voici déjà quelques conseils pour progresser.
Bas Oosterveld
On location Online
Business name: North Nutrition & Training
Country: Netherlands
My name is Bas, I started North Nutrition & Training to give an answer to all the misleading info you can find on social media. North helps you to get the max out of your training hours. North helps you to reach your desired weight. Using science-based methods, North helps you to reach your goals.
Ben Boros
On location Online
Business name: Ben Boros PT
Country: Netherlands
Hi, my name is Ben and I am a Henselmans certified trainer. My goal is to help people reach their best potential while educating them about fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. I can help you with: nutrition planning, workout programs, healthy lifestyle implementations, stress management, sleep management... and much more. I am available for PT session in the Netherlands and online coaching globally. Take the first step and reach out to me so we can create the best version of YOU!
Benjamin Beaurain
On location Online
Country: Netherlands
Anciennement dans le marketing, apres 6 ans d experience dans le domaine du bodybuilding, me voici Bayesian Personal Trainer afin de pouvoir aider a mon tour les gens a atteindre leurs objectifs. Je peux proposer des programmes de nutrition et d entrainement adaptes a chaque profil, ainsi qu un suivi complet (entretiens hebdomadaires, acces Whatsapp Professionnel) pour vous encadrer au mieux. Un entretien audio ou video est souhaitable avant toute collaboration. Je suis egalement disponible dans tout Amsterdam pour du Personal Training. After 6 years of experience in bodybuilding, here I am as a Bayesian PT to help people to reach their goals. We can do online coaching, I will make nutrition and training programs, personalized to your own needs with a complete follow up (weekly calls, access to my professional Whatsapp) to help you as much as possible. I am also available in Amsterdam for Personal Training.
Berend Aaftink
Business name: Bell Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Winner Strongest Man of the Netherlands -105kg. Online coach for Bell Coaching in the Netherlands.
Berend Buil
On location Online
Business name: Berend Buil
Country: Netherlands
Personal Trainer
Bernardo Damásio
Business name: Physique Upgrade
Country: Portugal
I'm Bernardo Damásio, I have a BSc in Sport Sciences and I'm a Certified Henselmans Personal Trainer. I work with people who want to gain muscle and/or lose fat. Together, we will manipulate your training, nutrition and lifestyle so that you achieve your physique goals in a sustainable way.
Bernice Sangers
On location Online
Business name: Bodify
Country: Netherlands
Bodify realizes the transformation of your life with a unique concept: The Bodification
Business name: Carole Bigouret
Country: France
30 de passion pour la nutrition et d'expérience en salles de remise en forme - 2x Championne nationale, ex-Championne internationale. Mes priorités en coaching online sont surtout tournées vers les transformations, pertes de poids et rééquilibrages liés au TCA.
Bilaly Sidibe
On location Online
Business name: Biloucoaching
Country: France
Je suis coach sportif certifié bayesianbodybuilding, ayant testé plusieurs méthodes d'entrainements (calisthenics, yoga, mouvement, Lafay, musculation, haltérophilie, gymnastique..etc) je propose une approche qui regroupe les meilleurs éléments de ceux ci en plus d'une approche bayesian basée sur la science de l'entrainement et de la nutrition afin de vous aidez a atteindre vos objectifs que ce soit niveau santé, bien-être, performance et esthétique.
Bohdan Drobot
On location Online
Business name: Freelance Personal trainer
Country: United Arab Emirates
Science-based approach in trainings for strength development and muscle growth. Creating a comprehensive approach to lifestyle and nutrition changes, including the formation of sustainable habits that can help clients achieve and maintain their desired results. I provide personalized training and nutrition planning tailored to the unique needs and goals of each client. Through ongoing monitoring and adjustments, I help clients achieve their desired results and make progress towards their long- term health and fitness goals.
Bonnaud Clement
On location Online
Business name: Clement bonnaud ( Power form )
Country: France
Soucieux d’être à l’écoute des demandes. Je suis là pour vous permettre de reprendre le contrôle de votre corps, sur le plan physique par la nutrition et l entraînement, mais également sur la préparation mentale, pour atteindre vos objectifs.
Boudry Bastien
Business name: Bastien coaching
Country: France
Bonjour je m’appelle Bastien j’ai 31 ans et je vis sur Bordeaux. Je propose des suivis individualisés pour te faire progresser.
Bourguet Frédéric
Business name: Fred Nutrifit
Country: Switzerland
Je suis un coach dédié à la transformation physique, spécialisé dans l'accompagnement en ligne. Fort d'un solide bagage en sciences du sport et en nutrition, ma passion est de guider les personnes sédentaires et celles subissant le stress du quotidien vers une meilleure version d'elles-mêmes. Avec une expertise également en gestion d'entreprise, je mets un point d'honneur à allier savoir-faire technique et écoute attentive pour offrir un coaching sur mesure. Que vous soyez débutant ou cherchiez à affiner votre forme, je suis là pour vous guider. Ensemble, transformons vos défis en succès!
Brandy Preston
Nurse Practitioner, Epigenetic & Genetic Coach, and Certified Henselmans Personal Trainer. Helping people achieve a life without limits and step into their next level of potential. Personal one on one virtual coaching offered which is individualized based on one’s goals, genetics, and current biomarkers. Cutting edge scientifically based strategies are used to optimize one’s physical and mental potential and performance.
Brendan Poliste
On location Online
Business name: Better Performance Personal training
Country: Netherlands
Mijn naam is Brendan. Ik bied personal training, duo training, groepstraining en online coaching aan.
Brianna Koleva
Country: United States
NYC based nutrition coaching service for busy professionals. Balanced eating, balanced lifestyle.
Brianna Neuwirth, RN
Mobile/Online nutrition & strength coaching for maximized body recomposition using latest evidence-based approaches tailored to client needs and goals. All levels accepted.
Bülent Sayginer
On location Online
Business name: Bulletproof Fitness
Country: Netherlands
Personal trainer, coach, sports massage therapist and mylogenics practioner. Focused on more than just training and nutrition. We look at your stature, how you move, how you think. To make you bulletproof for life.
C-Jones personal training
On location Online
Business name: C-Jones personal training
Country: United States
Passionate about bodybuilding since I was 18, and discovered Bayesian Bodybuilding when I was 19 and have been utilizing Menno’s philosophies into my life and fitness journey for many years now! My transformation was also featured in Menno’s “why most diets fail and ‘eat less, move more’ is bad advice” article.
Calvin Huynh
On location Online
Business name: AwesomeFitnessScience
Country: United States
Calvin Huynh is a trainer, online coach, writer, and joyful ruler behind AwesomeFitnessScience.com. His content has reached various top sites and he has worked with a variety of clients ranging from top CEOs, hardcore lifters, everyday desk workers, and stay at home moms. When he’s not working, he spends his time going to church, dreaming of unicorns, and eating whole pints of ice cream on a comfortable couch somewhere in Southern California.
Camille Lejambre
Business name: Camille Lejambre Diététicienne-nutritionniste
Country: France
Diététicienne nutritionniste, je propose un suivi nutritionnel complet pour mes patients, aussi bien sur le plan nutritionnel que psychologique.
On location Online
Business name: CANB
Country: Netherlands
Personal training en voedingsbegeleiding
Carlos P
Business name: Carlos P
Country: United States
Offering Online and In person Coaching in English Or Spanish
Casey Greene
On location Online
Business name: Nexus Health Partnership
Country: United States
Dr. Casey Greene is a Henselmans Certified Personal Trainer, as well as functional medicine practitioner trained through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Through this he uses online health coaching programs with a 3-part approach including nutrition, functional medicine, & resistance training. He applies his 15+ years of experience to help clients quickly get to the root issues holding them back from reaching their dream body and health.
Cécile Lee
Business name: Altara
Country: France
J'aide les femmes à devenir plus fortes et plus confiantes grâce à la musculation et à une alimentation adaptée.
Cédrian Bou Assaf
Business name: AXC Personal Training
Country: France
Nutritionniste du sport et diplômé Bayesian depuis 2 ans, j'ai créé AXC Personal Training pour transmettre mes connaissances et aider les gens au plus proche des recherches scientifiques.
Célia Schmitt
On location Online
Business name: Ce.lift
Country: France
Coach en ligne, je me base sur les dernières études en sciences de l'entraînement et de la nutrition pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
Chad Hackler
On location Online
Business name: Fitness Seminary
Country: United States
I've been a certified S&C coach for almost 30 years and specialize in leadership coaching/development here in the North Dallas area. I also design advanced programs for young athletes as well. I also lead a 500 hour personal training school that teaches hands-on training as well as lecture in exercise/nutrition science.
Chloé Angelin
On location Online
Business name: BTF_coaching
Country: France
Je permets aux femmes ambitieuses, d'acquérir un mental de guerrière, une condition physique à toutes épreuve, tout en conciliant une vie familiale et professionnelle épanouie, grâce à ma méthode AMAZONE liant perte de poids durable et tonification efficiente.
Chris Kunst
On location Online
Business name: Bell Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Full-Time Viking and Online Coach @ Bell Coaching. Specializes in powerlifting.
Chris Redig
Business name: Chris Redig Coaching
Country: Denmark
Chris helps clients look, move and feel their best by optimizing their nutrition, training and lifestyle. He is a Movnat Master Trainer and a Henselmans Certified Personal Trainer. In particular, he loves to help adventure-enthusiasts build ready-for-anything minds and bodies.
Chris Romeo
On location Online
Business name: Aligned Fitness & Nutrition
Country: United States
I help people master their nutrition, fitness, and lifestyles.
Chris Ruiter
On location Online
Business name: Chris Ruiter
Country: Netherlands
PT and strength and conditioning coaching
Christian Pasteka
Country: Austria
Strength and Conditioning Coach. Powerlifting. Physique Coach. Evidence based Nutrition Coach. Fat Loss.
Chung-Lin Tsai
On location Online
Business name: Kinetic Health & Fitness
Country: Belize
I am Tom C.L. Tsai. Co-owner of Kinetic Health & Fitness located in the country of Belize, Central America. We work with clients who want to improve body composition, gain strength, and improve overall health.
Clément Desplats
Business name: Clément Desplats
Country: France
Entrepreneur nomade passionné de nutrition. Coaching individuel et personnalisé à distance. Perte de poids, prise de masse et optimisation de l'hygiène de vie pour la récupération et le bien-être.
Colby Hamasaki
Business name: Colby Hamasaki
Country: United States
Online coach with a focus on nutrition and training programming for sustainable progress. Build a lifestyle around your fitness goals and continue pushing to be a better you than yesterday.
Coralie Castéran
Country: France
J'ai 38 ans et je suis passionnée par tout ce qui touche à l'alimentation, la musculation, le bien-être, l'hygiène de vie en général... Je propose des suivis à distance 100% personnalisés concernant l'alimentation et/ou la musculation/le renforcement musculaire, conseils en naturopathie, gestion du sommeil, du stress (relaxation, fleurs de Bach, huiles essentielles...) etc... Je m'adapte entièrement à vous et suis disponible 7J/7 pour répondre à toutes vos questions lors de l'accompagnement.
Cory DeDell
On location Online
Country: United States
Overwhelmed by the staggering amount of contradictory information in the fitness industry? Look no further; I’m here to help devoted trainees gain muscle, lose fat, and learn the practical nuances of science-based training and nutrition. To learn more about me and my service, please check out my website.
Costenaro Mathieu
On location Online
Business name: MC Coaching
Country: France
Mathieu, coach sportif diplômé en sport et nutrition. Je propose du coaching privé, en groupe, à distance et en présentiel dans mon studio de coaching. Le suivi peut concerner le sport, la nutrition, voire les deux, pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.
Craig Lapsley
On location Online
Business name: Craig Lapsley
Country: United Arab Emirates
Optimal physique development in Dubai and worldwide
Cymron Bancil
Business name: Cymron
Country: United Kingdom
I left finance behind to focus on helping busy professionals transform their lives. As an online coach, I’m dedicated to building lean, healthy physiques through science-based training and nutrition.
On location Online
Business name: Damien PALLIX
Country: France
Je m'appelle Damien, je suis un entraîneur personnel certifié Henselmans. Je travaille avec des personnes qui veulent gagner du muscle et / ou perdre du gras, regagner en mobilité. Je vous aiderez à améliorer votre entraînement et votre alimentation afin que vous atteigniez vos objectifs de manière durable.
Dan Garner
Country: Canada
Strength Coach and Nutrition Specialist
Danny Krijgsman
On location Online
Business name: Fitologie
Country: Netherlands
Muscle growth starts with health. Prioritizing health will always improve results. After that, focus lies in form during exercises so that your technique will be perfect within a few sessions (depening on your level).
Danny van de Werf
On location
Country: Netherlands
PT Gym is een kleinschalige Personal Training Studio gevestigd in Geffen, naast Oss. De focus ligt hier op de cliënten en het behalen van hun doel(en). Dit doen we door Personal (Duo) Training, Small Group Training en voeding- en leefstijlcoaching.
Darrel Ebing
On location Online
Business name: Ebing Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Mijn naam is Darrel Ebing. Ik bied (online) coaching aan voor fanatieke krachtsporters onder de naam Ebing Coaching. Ook geef ik fysiek personal training, waarbij ik werkzaam ben bij het bedrijf Personal Training Boskoop.
David Ouellette
On location Online
Business name: Nusami
Country: Canada
La nutrition, la santé et la forme physique me tiennent a coeur et c'est avec plaisir que j'aide les gens a se surpasser et d'ameliorer leurs connaissances dans ces domaines.
David Rousseau
On location Online
Business name: Hords.fr
Country: France
Je coach et accompagne les sportifs de tous horizons, quel que soit l’objectif à atteindre, à performer dans leur discipline et à dépasser leurs niveaux en travaillant sur leurs états d'esprit pour révéler leur potentiel.
DE WILDE Quentin
On location Online
Business name: Quentin DE WILDE
Country: France
Quentin, coach sportif/maitre nageur, j'ai toujours pratiqué de nombreux sports, Coach sportif depuis 6 ans, après avoir voyagé et multiplié les expériences dans différents domaines, je propose mes services pour du coaching que ce soit à distance, physique, dans un but de bien être, de perte de gras, prise de muscle, etc...
Dennis Loots
Business name: Hawesome
Country: Netherlands
Personal Coach & Trainer @ Hawesome If you want to grow in a certain area of your life health, wealth, social or your mission/career. I will enable and guide you to get there faster, better and with more joy! We will build your hawesome life together!
Dennis Vastenburg
On location Online
Business name: Sense Body & Mind Studio
Country: Netherlands
Coaching, training, beleving, een fijne sfeer en persoonlijke aandacht. Niks minder dan het beste. Voor jou.
Dimitar Minov
On location Online
Country: Bulgaria
Dimitar Minov
Business name: Dimitar Minov
Country: Bulgaria
In person and online coaching with an evidence based approach
Dolly De Los Santos
Country: United States
I offer evidence-based coaching for sustainable health. With a focus on science-backed principles, I guide individuals, regardless of gender, towards lifelong results. Through personalized training programs tailored to your body and lifestyle, we'll build strength, optimize nutrition, and foster overall well-being. I'm committed to empowering you throughout your fitness journey, providing guidance, support, and accountability. Let's embark on a scientific approach to health and unlock your true potential together.
Dominic Stoeckler
On location Online
Business name: Barbells & Plates Personal Training
Country: Switzerland
As a former professional athlete and business consultant in healthcare, I am passionate about training, nutrition, health and everything in between to keep improving and developing the body and mind to its maximum potential while enjoying the process. My mission is to help you build your body and health in a simple, fulfilling and sustainable way, After all, fitness is a journey, not a destination!
Elís Mar Einarsson
On location Online
Business name: Elís Mar Einarsson
Country: Norway
Mobile/online training. Expect hard work, tailored around your life. Increased humanness by increased muscle mass and mobility.
Elizabeth Mucklow
On location Online
Business name: Revive Your Human
Country: Netherlands
Hi there! Are you looking for a personal trainer that not only helps you lose weight, get strong and healthy but also focuses on your psychological well-being? Well, then I might be the one for you! My name is Elizabeth, I live in Amsterdam and I am a Dutch & English speaking graduated psychologist and certified personal trainer. My mission is to not only help you transform your body but also your lifestyle. In a fun yet goal oriented way together we will work on your health through fitness, nutrition advice and psychological coaching. Gain your energy back, expand your thinking and start feeling confident in becoming who you want to be! X Elizabeth
Elvina Leal
On location Online
Business name: Deep Movement
Country: France
Accompagnement pour l'optimisation des performances, l'intégration du mouvement dans votre vie, remise en forme et préparation physique adaptée à vos objectifs.
Emilien Mary
On location Online
Business name: Emilien Coaching
Country: France
Passionné de sport depuis mon plus jeune âge, j'ai commencé par le VTT avant de devenir ultra-trailer, pour en suite me plonger dans la musculation. Je me suis informé et documenté sur les sciences du sport et de la nutrition pendant des années. La formation Bayesian m'a ainsi permis d'acquérir une nouvelle vision scientifique et factuelle sur ces deux sujets. Je suis désormais un athlète hybride et un coach passionné désireux d'aider ses clients.
Emmanuel Simoes
On location Online
Business name: emmanuelpersonalcoach
Country: France
Fraîchement diplômé et passionné par le street workout. J'accompagne mes clients de manière personnalisée pour les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs de forme physique, de mobilité et de bien-être. Que vous souhaitiez perdre du poids, prendre du muscle, améliorer votre endurance ou gagner en souplesse, je vous guide à chaque étape. Mes séances sont adaptées à votre niveau et à vos besoins, avec un suivi régulier pour optimiser vos résultats. Ensemble, nous mettons en place un programme sur mesure, incluant des exercices variés, du street workout et de la mobilité fonctionnelle, tout en intégrant des conseils nutritionnels pour une approche durable et équilibrée.
Emmy van Erp
On location
Business name: Crossfit Oss Feel So Good
Country: Netherlands
CrossFit Box met Personal Training op het gebied van weightlifting, powerliften, CrossFit en Gymnastics. Ook bootcamp, yoga & HIIT.
Ernestas Svedkauskas
On location Online
Business name: Ernestas Svedkauskas
Country: Norway
Online coaching. Personal training Norway Oslo. I will help you reach your dream physique using Bayesian BB (Menno) methods, science. Call me, reach me, ask, join, achieve!
Eveline van Haaften
On location
Business name: Fitnessscheveningen
Country: Netherlands
Hoi, mijn naam is Eveline van Haaften. Samen met mijn compagnon Stefanie van der Ham hebben wij de PT studio Fitnessscheveningen. Wij bieden hier zowel Personal Training als Boksworkouts aan. De training gaat samen met een individueel afgestemd trainingsprogramma en voedingsadvies.
On location Online
Business name: EZLean
Country: Vietnam
Farzana Kazi-Hossain
On location Online
Business name: Recipe Architects
Country: United Kingdom
Strength training and nutritional advice
Federico Licchetta
On location Online
Business name: Federico Licchetta PT
Country: Italy
Ferry Nicolas
Country: France
Coach en ligne certifié Bayesian depuis 2019, je vous conseille et vous apporte soutien indéfectible dans votre quête de prise de muscle, de perte de gras et d’une meilleure santé physique et psychologique de manière générale ! Mon rôle consiste à vous aider à démarrer ou reprendre du bon pied une programmation musculation et nutritionnelle qui s’intègre dans votre mode de vie, et de vous aider à vous former sur les différentes composantes qui peuvent potentiellement paraître confuses (comme l’utilité de certains compléments alimentaires, les bénéfices de certains types de “diètes” ou de programme d’entraînement…), ceci afin de vous aider à devenir flexible et conscient dans votre approche. J’ai hâte de vous rencontrer, je vous dis donc à très bientôt !
Filippo Pagani
On location Online
Business name: Fisico da Spartano
Country: Italy
I am a certified personal trainer that provide guides, books, courses, videos and much more to master the phisique of everybody (men and women of all ages and level).
On location Online
Business name: FitAthletics-Konstanz
Country: Germany
Personal Training & Online Coaching
Flavio Furlan
On location Online
Country: Italy
Henselmans certified PT and ISSA Elite trainer. I offer customised nutritional and training plans.
Florent Pautrat
On location Online
Business name: Coaching-Flo
Country: France
En tant que Coach sportif (France), mes clients apprécient mon écoute et mon empathie pour les guider vers leurs objectifs : perte de poids, prise de muscle, bodybuilding ou remise en forme ! Exerçant à Olivet je me déplace sur l'ensemble de l'agglomération orléanaise (45). Je propose bien entendu mes services de coaching à distance également. Il est important pour moi de donner à chaque client les conseils personnalisés dont il a besoin pour atteindre et dépasser ses limites. Après analyse de votre profil physique et psychologique, nous trouverons ensemble le chemin le plus optimum pour atteindre Vos Objectifs et je vous guiderai personnellement jour après jour dans votre Réussite.
Folkert Crince Le Roy
On location Online
Business name: CLR Performance
Country: Netherlands
My name is Folkert Crince Le Roy and I firmly belief the stronger you are, the better you will feel. So if you wanna feel good and get stonger than ever, hit me up!
Francisco Bação
On location Online
Business name: Breaking My Limits
Country: Portugal
Ajudamos Atletas e Praticantes de musculação intermédios ou avançados a conquistar um corpo mais musculado e definido. Através de uma estratégia individualizada e completa, apoiando-te durante o processo e garantindo resultados. Para se sentirem mais confiantes com o seu corpo e na melhor forma da sua vida sem que tenham de ter uma vida de bodybuilder, perder horas no ginásio, abdicar dos alimentos que gostam, nem ficar presos na estagnação. Ajudamos Personal Trainers a entregar um serviço de excelência e conquistar a sua liberdade financeira para que nunca mais tenham de competir por preços ou sentirem-se mal por tirar férias por falta de rendimento através da formação e mentoria mais completa e atualizada sobre treino, nutrição e negócio de Personal Training (online e presencial).
Franco DeCrescentis
On location Online
Business name: Optimum Lifestyle Coaching
Country: Thailand
Evidence-based body recomposition & shape building through fitness, nutrition, and optimized lifestyle choices.
Fredrik Tonstad Vårvik
Country: Norway
Physique and Performance
Gaël Azulay
On location Online
Business name: Objectif Zero Fat
Country: France
Bonjour, diplômé d'un BPJEPS et BAYESIAN, je propose des coachings de groupe et individualisés dans le sport et la nutrition dans l'objectif de se reprendre en main physique et mentalement.
Country: France
Bonjour à tous, je fais du coaching en ligne depuis presque 2 ans et je pratique la musculation depuis presque 10 ans.
Geert Haeren
On location Online
Business name: Geert Haeren
Country: Netherlands
PT and online coaching
George Kalonomos
On location Online
Country: Greece
MSc Applied Sport & Exercise Nutrition (Distinction) at Oxford Brookes University. BSc Human Nutrition & Dietetics (First-Class Student) at the University of Greenwich. Certified Personal Trainer (Menno Henselmans). ISAK L1 Certified Anthropometrist. My name is George Kalonomos. In my younger years, I was an obese individual who managed to transform my physique through evidence-based nutrition and exercise. I offer online and onsite nutrition and training coaching services. My main strengths lie in effective communication and an extremely evidence-based and analytical approach to both nutrition and training. If you're looking to achieve your goals in the best and healthiest way possible, look no further.
Georgi Marinov
On location
Business name: GM Coaching
Country: Bulgaria
I'm an online fitness and nutrition coach who has helped people achieve the physique of their dreams for 16 weeks and keep it for life.
On location
Country: Belgium
Samen werken wij naar een gezonde geest in een gezond lichaam. Bij Go 4 Shape kan je terecht voor coaching in allerlei onderwerpen, voedings- en bewegingsadvies. Heb je een specifiek doel? Super! Ik ondersteun jou graag hier naartoe.
Gonzalo Guitar
On location Online
Business name: Gonzalo Guitar
Country: Argentina
Strength & Conditioning Coach
Gonzalo Guitar
Bespoke fat loss and natural bodybuilding coach for busy professionals who want to be healthy and look good naked. Evidence based coaching with a focus on sustainable habits and individual psychology. For people who want to achieve lasting results FOR LIFE.
Gonzalo Pomar
On location Online
Business name: Fitness home
Country: Peru
I am a sports nutritionist (MSc), personal trainer (MSc.) and ISAK II with almost 20 years of experience in personal training. My passion and work is to give you results, more muscle, more strength and more health.
GRAS Stacy
On location Online
Business name: Stacy Coaching, pour donner de la cohérence à tes actes
Country: France
Je m'appelle Stacy. Ce que je te propose, c'est un accompagnement personnalisé en fonction de tes objectifs, qu'ils soient physiques ou axés performance, un plan nutritionnel adapté à tes valeurs (éthiques, écologiques, je suis moi même végétarienne). J'ai à coeur de te transmettre ma passion pour un mode de vie plus sain pour toi et pour ton environnement.
Greco Andrea
On location Online
Country: Italy
MD-PhD, Certified Bayesian Bodybuilding PT
Guillaume Vilhem
On location
Business name: VLM Personal Trainer
Country: France
Un travail n'est jamais aussi bien réalisé, que lorsqu'il est fait avec passion.
Guillermo Paz
Business name: Autem Fitness
Country: Ecuador
I help serious strength trainees get their dream physique without having to spend more than 5 hour per week in the gym while eating the foods they love.
Guillermo Silva Rojas
On location Online
Country: Mexico
Online Coaching, Strength and Recomposition.
Guy Prihar
Country: United States
I live in Los Angeles, California. I have a Ph.D. obtained through my research in genetics and molecular biology, and Menno's course was a fantastic and thorough complement to my deep interest in exercise performance and nutrition. My offering to clients is currently extremely specific: I focus solely on nutrition and nutritional outcomes that will lead to my clients' desired body composition. I focus almost exclusively on men who have been hovering in a body fat range of ~12-20% and who are seeking to drop to 10% or lower and obtain the "washboard" physique, all while retaining strength and lean mass. I believe in methodical and non-extreme solutions, emphasizing foremost the client's health over the long term. Thus, I currently accept only clients who are serious and determined enough to make a minimum twelve-month commitment. The best way to reach me initially is via email, at which point we can discuss terms and set up an initial consultation.
On location
Country: Netherlands
GymnatiX is een personal gym voor iedereen die serieus aan zichzelf wilt werken. In onze "GYM-nasium" bieden wij 1 op 1 training, begeleiding in voeding en techniek training. Wij van GymnatiX geloven in hard work pays off, maar tegelijkertijd staan wij ook voor working smart and efficient.
Hamish Leijer
On location Online
Business name: Leer-Kracht
Country: Netherlands
Results are key to me. Personalization stands above standard programmes. I help you step by step towards your goals while you learn about fitness and nutrition in an accessible way. I offer personal training, online coaching, kickboxing and boxing classes. I give PT at Looiersgracht in Amsterdam!
Harrison Mullin
Business name: ProvocateurBody.com
Country: United States
Fat-loss and physique coach for insanely busy people.
Hendri Vermeer
Business name: Online Calisthenics Coach
Country: Netherlands
Hi, ik ben Hendri, Online Calisthenics Coach. Ik help mensen progressie te boeken die daarmee vastlopen. Met bodyweight trainingen leer ik mensen calisthenics skills en tegelijk bouwen ze spiermassa op en/of verlagen ze hun vetpercentage.
Idan Barnes
On location Online
Business name: Viking Fitness
Country: Israel
Fitness trainer and a professional dancer, focusses on strengthening athletic abilities, toning and building muscles mass.
Iliyan Mihaylov
Business name: Iliyan Mihaylov Coaching
Country: United Kingdom
What we offer is something different from the others, as we offer an online personal coaching course which not only gives you a personal diet plan and training program. You also get the freedom to manage your diet and to make healthier choices in the long run. We are dedicated to changing peoples life style for the better and improving their general health.
On location
Business name: INVORMsport
Country: Netherlands
Ipsha Barooah
Business name: Coach Ipsha Barooah
Country: India
I am a Certified Fitness Coach. I make women strong, fit and independent at the gym. I help people realize their strengths. I offer personalized diet guidelines and exercise programs. I have experience coaching senior citizens. YouTuber and Podcast host. My services are available globally. Email for consultation.
Isaac Durón Osorio
On location Online
Business name: Isaac Durón Osorio
Country: Mexico
Servicio de recomposición corporal mediante una alimentación adecuada de acuerdo a tus objetivos y entrenamiento de fuerza.
Ivan Gavranic
On location Online
Business name: The Body Consultants
Country: Australia
Ivan Kovalsky
Business name: Body upgrade
Country: Russia
Online PT. In Russian and English.
Ivaylo Stoilov
On location Online
Country: Bulgaria
A person's real home is not an apartment or a house, it is the body. Let's make your home a better place to live with my help.
Ivaylo Wolf
On location Online
Business name: Musculatoriya
Country: Russia
I’m Ivaylo Wolf and I help busy professionals and trainees achieve and maintain their dream physique, through evidence-based fitness and nutrition in the most enjoyable way.
Jake Hickman
Business name: Jake Hickman Fitness
Country: France
Helping you transform your body in an enjoyable and sustainable fashion.
James Bird
Business name: James Bird
We help people get out of the “dieting loop” forever and give them the support they need to become happier and healthier. Go Lean VN provides custom nutritional coaching and exercise programming to get your started on the healthier you.
Janneke Brauckman
On location Online
Business name: Beresterk Gym
Country: Netherlands
Jason Benoit
Business name: All Natural Iron PT
Country: United States
Online coaching and workout subscriptions. I focus on Bodybuilding, Powerbuilding and Spees Powerbuilding. See my website for descriptions and additional information.
Jason Massey
On location Online
Business name: Holistic Fitness
Country: Ireland
Hi Everyone, My name is Jason I've been in the fitness industry for the last 8 years. In that time I have worked with hundreds of clients and helped them achieve their goals. I focus on body transformation through optimised training, nutrition and lifestyle coaching.
Jason Uthayakumar
On location Online
Business name: Jason Uthayakumar
Country: United Kingdom
Geeky fat guy turned geeky fit guy who enjoys helping others reach their own fitness goals. I've worked in the fitness industry for the past 7 years in both personal training and sports nutrition. To find out more about me and the services I provide please check out my website.
Jasper De Coninck
Business name: Jasper De Coninck
Country: Belgium
Combines Physio, strength training, PT and nutrition coaching - Marginal gains accumulation leads to success. Don't sell yourself short and optimize every factor for the best outcome and performance.
Jasper De Coninck
On location Online
Country: Belgium
Combines physiotherapy, strength training and nutrition advice. Become the ultimate “you” through individualized evidence based coaching. Specifically specialized in strength training for soccer but works together with elite athletes from different sport branches as well.
Jeremie Fournier
On location Online
Business name: Fitness Temple
Country: France
Jérémy Loreau
Country: Réunion
Depuis 2015, j’aide chaque jour des femmes de plus de 40 ans, à transformer leur physique de façon durable grâce à une alimentation sans privation et un entraînement adapté à leur mode de vie.
Jeroen de Vries
On location
Business name: Bodyformation
Country: Netherlands
Class of 2016. More than 5 years of practical experience with the method. With almost thirty years of experience I can help you with almost any goal. While training, I adapt your plan with what you need to achieve your goal.
Jérôme Mesté
On location Online
Business name: Mesté Coaching
Country: France
Online Coach & Personal Trainer - Coach Diplomé d'Etat (Bpjeps) - Coach Certifié Henselmans (Bayesian Bodybuilding) J'aide les gens qui cherchent à gagner du muscle et/ou perdre du poids à y parvenir de façon durable à travers l'optimisation de leur entraînement, alimentation et style de vie.
Jimmy Anthony Gabriël
On location Online
Business name: Jimmy Anthony Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Jimmy Anthony Coaching offers coaching in training, nutrition and lifestyle. Evidence-based personal training, online coaching and meal/training schedules. It's individualized and affordable.
Jip van Dam
On location Online
Business name: Jimmy Anthony Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Jimmy Anthony Coaching offers coaching in training, nutrition and lifestyle. Evidence-based personal training, online coaching and meal/training schedules. It's individualized and affordable.
Joan Ovalles
Business name: Joan Ovalles
Country: United States
I took the course mainly to apply the knowledge to myself but ended interested in coaching people. Since I have little experience coaching people I would say my area of expertise is taking an average joe to a 'beach body'. Btw, Spanish is my native language (dominican).
Johan Briere
On location Online
Business name: OBJ TRAINER
Country: France
Je m'appelle Johan Briere et j'aide les personnes à se transformer physiquement avec des méthodes simples et efficaces, que ce soit en personal training ou en coaching online. Je suis spécialisé dans la transformation physique et la nutrition. J'exerce le métier de Personal Trainer depuis 2017. J'ai aidé plus de 200 personnes à atteindre leurs objectifs. Il me tient à cœur d'aider les personnes à réaliser leurs objectifs. Il n'y a rien de plus gratifiant que de contribuer à améliorer la vie des autres, c'est ma raison d'être et c'est pour cela que j'ai choisi de faire ce beau métier. Mon objectif, atteindre le tien.
Jonas Jonassen
On location Online
Business name: BB Coaching
Country: Norway
Through functional training, sustainable nutrition and focus on habits and mindset do we wish to help you design the routines that you need to become a stronger version of yourself. So that you can reach your goals and overcome any obstacles that awaits you in your future.
José Ignacio Gomez Vargas
Business name: Ng Nutrition
Country: Costa Rica
I'm a nutritionist from Costa Rica who has a great passion for sports and helping people fullfill their goals.
José Martínez Santana
On location Online
Business name: José Martínez Santana
Country: Mexico
As a personal trainer I can help to optimize your training and nutriition and health habits with an evidenced science approach to get the desirable results that you are looking for. English and Spanish info.
Jørgen Bauge
On location Online
Business name: Trim og Trening
Country: Norway
My name is Jørgen Bauge and i am working as a CEO and Personal Trainer at Trim og Trening on Manger in Norway. I also offer online coaching. My services includes all from rehabilitation work (working close with physical therapist's) to more professional goals in training/sport etc. If you think/wonder if i can help you towards your goals shoot me a message or drop by my Gym "Trim og Trening" for a nice talk! Looking forward to our potential cooperation.
Juan Daniel Reich
On location Online
Country: Chili
Coaching Nutricional.
Julie Genries
Business name: Scandalfoodbyjg
Country: France
Scandalfoodbyjg, des coachings simplifiés au maximum pour atteindre ses objectifs sans se prendre la tête
Justine Boscardin
Country: Switzerland
Originaire de Genève, hyperactive passionnée de sport en tout genre. Je mets mes connaissances à profit notamment des femmes souhaitant reprendre gout avec l'activité physique et se remettre en forme et perdre du poids en s'appuyant sur les dernières connaissances dans le domaine.
Kamilla Rogne
Business name: Fru.
Country: Norway
I have a Bachelor's degree in Occupational Therapy. Henselmans certified Personal Trainer and ISSA PT, Nutritionist, Strenght & Conditioning and Exercise Therapy graduate. Overall very interested in fitness and nutrition. I now have my own online coaching business, offering training plans and nutrition guidance.
Karina Nijsen
Business name: Get Proud Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Met mijn opgedane kennis, kan ik jou helpen om jouw droomfysiek te behalen. Bij mij hoef je geen saai dieet te volgen. Ik ben een voorstander van lekkere en gevarieerde maaltijden. Ik geef voorkeur aan een duurzame leefstijl, die makkelijk vol te houden is en die je levenslang kan toe passen.
Kathryne ‘Keo” Fox
On location Online
Business name: Keonetics, Inc
Country: United States
A passionate bodybuilder since 1990, I have been obese myself and deeply understand the challenges of creating health for oneself. I teach habits for life, while supporting an individual's goals. As I licensed massage therapist I am able to assist with injury history and stress management. Creative, funny and energetic, I love what I do and uniquely inspire and nurture all of my clients while leading them into independence and success. I am particularly focused on special populations and am fluent in American Sign Language. I want to make fitness and health accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
Kenny Dedeurwaerder
On location Online
Business name: Gymlife.be
Country: Belgium
Bodybuilder en powerlifter in de master divisie met meer dan 20 jaar ervaring. Gespecialiseerd in resultaatgericht trainen, voeding en lifestyle-optimalisatie én contest prep. Met nadruk op persoonlijke aanpak met wetenschappelijke onderbouwing, ideaal voor zowel beginners als ervaren sporters.
Kevin Aalbers
On location Online
Business name: KEVFIT
Country: Netherlands
Wil jij afvallen, spiermassa opbouwen, fitter worden, meer energie of een betere conditie? Dan ben je bij KEVFIT aan het juiste adres!
Khalil Jeitani
On location
Business name: KALFIT
Country: Australia
Cherry Picked Henselman's Trainer that fast-tracks your results through Nutrition and Personal Training.
Killian Alix
Business name: Mind and body
Country: France
Jeune passionné par le sport et la nutrition je vous propose mes services de coach pour vous aidez à atteindre vos objectifs de prise de muscle et de perte de poids avec un accompagnement personnalisé et un suivis spécialement conçus pour chacun(e).
Krasimir Mihailov
Country: Bulgaria
Online Coaching. Helping people to build sustainable habits and live better and healthier life in any aspects.
Kristina Ivanova
On location Online
Country: United Arab Emirates
Krullaine Berkenveld
On location Online
Business name: Krullaine Berkenveld Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Former analyst from a genetics lab, now I offer online coaching and personal training. Henselmans PT & Chivo certified. What is optimal for your situation, your recovery capacity, your life? We start from the basics, create new sustainable habits and focus on the process, instead of just the end goal. Teaching you how to move properly and safely before loading exercises heavily, analyzing your current habits first and working together on getting you new insights and making the progression you want, objectively measuring your results and working on how this affects you subjectively. Adjacent to this, I also create and edit fitness related content, especially the nerdy stuff is what I like to write about. Translating that into understandable texts for common curious readers is also something I'm very passionate about.
Ladeiro Estelle
Country: France
Estelle, passionnée du corps humain, de santé physique et mentale, j'ai à cœur d'aider les gens à se sentir mieux dans leur corps et dans leur vie. Approche positive, bienveillance et détermination.
Lars Desmet
On location Online
Business name: The Urban Warrior
Country: Belgium
The Urban Warrior: Become the best you! No-nonsense and evidence based coaching with an emphasis on sustainability and individualization.
Laura Green
On location Online
Business name: Corridor Personal Training
Country: United States
Laura Scheepens
Business name: Laura Scheepens
Country: Netherlands
Personal Trainer & Online Coach. 1 on 1 training and nutrition coaching. Rehab & Kettlebell Trainer.
Laura Vogel
Business name: Laura Vogel Lifestyle
Country: Netherlands
Online lifestyle coaching. Personalized training programs, and nutritional coaching
Laurent Strappazzon
Business name: Quantum Consulting Nutrition
Country: France
Bonjour, je suis Laurent Strappazzon, conseil en nutrition et développement corporel. Je vous apporte mon expérience dans le domaine de la science de la nutrition, afin que vous preniez un réel contrôle sur votre alimentation, ainsi que sur votre bien être. A très bientôt.
Le mero pietruszka Angélique
On location Online
Business name: Angélique fitness coach
Country: France
Passionnée , inspirée et titulaire de plusieurs diplômes et formations certifiantes, c’est avec plaisir que je propose mes services en tant que coach personnel.
Lei Qu
On location Online
Business name: AznTigerLiftz
Country: United States
Hi everyone, I am a natural bodybuilding competitor and would love to take your physique and health to take to the next level. I am a PharmD with a passion for fitness and nutrition.
Lilou Cosson-Schaefer
Business name: Louli Coaching
Country: France
Le fauteuil roulant est ton quotidien ? Forge-toi un corps fonctionnel sans perte de temps et sans sacrifices.
Lisa Agens
Business name: Your Lean Life LLC
Country: United States
Learn to lose fat and maintain your weight through a real, whole foods diet. No shakes, bars or fads.
Lisa M. A. Hop
On location Online
Business name: Flex Gym AS
Country: Norway
Flex Gym in Trondheim, Norway – offers both in person coaching/personal training and online coaching. Send me an email if you’re curious as to what I have to offer.
Loïc Challancin
Country: France
I am an online personal fitness and nutrition, physical preparation, and Ninja Warrior coach. I strive to educate my students as much as possible with science based sources and information so that by the end of coaching they are self-sufficient and know how to navigate this vast flood of information that is inundated with bro science and misinformation. Being a National Ninja Warrior athlete myself, I also share my knowledge of the mental aspect of competition for anyone who wants to get ahead in their sport.
Loïc Gronfier
Business name: LG Coaching
Country: France
Coach et athlète spécialisé en force athlétique (powerlifting) et en musculation. J'aide les pratiquants débutants et confirmés à atteindre leurs objectifs et devenir des compétiteurs s'ils le souhaitent, via un suivi individualisé et journalier.
Loïc Veyron
On location Online
Business name: LV coaching
Country: France
Je suis coach personnel, je réalise des coachings en ligne mais également en réel. Passionné de tous sport, je peux m'adapter à tous les domaines.
Lucas Rivet
On location Online
Business name: LR Coaching
Country: France
Lucas, passionné de musculation et de nutrition, je ferais tout ce qui est de mon ressort pour t'aider à atteindre des objectifs de recomposition corporelle, de performance ou encore de sport santé. Récemment certifié PT Bayesian Bodybuilding, je m'appuie sur les dernières données scientifiques pour te guider au mieux dans ta progression.
Luis Villasenor
On location Online
Business name: Luis Villasenor
Educate, Empower, Achieve. Evidence-based online coaching with best practices around nutrition, lifestyle, and behavior components.
Luka Amblat
On location Online
Business name: Life athletic coaching
Country: France
Bonjour, moi c'est Luka ancien militaire maintenant coach. Je propose différents coaching que ça soit online ou facetoface du programme sans suivi au coaching personnalisé avec suivi.
Lukas Schiller
On location Online
Business name: Essence of Fitness
Country: Germany
Mein Name ist Lukas Schiller! Ich bin Sportphysiotherapeut und zertifizierter Personal Trainer. In meinem Coaching stelle ich gemeinsam mit dir die Weichen, damit du dein Fitnessziel nachhaltig erreichst, ohne in die bekannten Fallen zu tappen und deinen Körper bis ins hohe Alter stark zu halten. Zeitmangel, falsches Training und Ernährungsphilosophien sollten deinem Traum von einem gesunden und starken Körper nicht im Wege stehen... Lass mich dir diese Hindernisse aus dem Weg räumen. Das Einzige, was von deiner Seite kommen muss, ist der richtige Wille, das zu tun, was nötig ist... Klingt gut? Vereinbare ein kostenloses Erstgespräch, um deinem Ziel näher zu kommen!
Lycan Training
On location Online
Business name: Lycan Training
Country: Canada
1 on 1 and small group personal training services for anyone looking to get into the best shape of their life!
Maëlys Lafrogne
Business name: Maëlys Lafrogne
Country: France
Ostéopathe de formation, j'ai désormais intégré une équipe de coach en ligne (que vous retrouverez sous le nom de Smartbody). J'ai donc actuellement une double casquette puisque j'exerce dans mon cabinet en tant qu'ostéopathe et en ligne en tant que coach.
Manrique Sanabria
On location Online
Country: Costa Rica
Mi pasión es ayudarte a lograr tus metas de forma integral.
Mansoor Alfalasi
Country: United Arab Emirates
We are so glad to offer the best service for our clients who are looking forward to change their physique and having a better health!
Marc Jansen
On location Online
Business name: IJsselgym
Country: Netherlands
Personal Training & Online coaching in IJsselgym Deventer (the Netherlands). Training, nutrition, mindset & lifestyle.
Marc Lehmann
On location
Business name: FIORELLINO
Country: France
Passionné de physiologie, de psychologie et de sports. Paysagiste depuis 25 ans et tombé dans le chaudron du coaching et du bodybuilding. Chaque cas est singulier. Chaque période de la vie est particulière. C'est ce qui m’intéresse, prendre en compte tous les facteurs de vie d'un client.
Marc van Jole
Business name: Marc van Jole
Country: Netherlands
No nonsence evidence-based advice on strength training, nutrition and lifestyle.
Marco Ruiz
Business name: Marco Ruiz
Country: Belgium
Personal Trainer and Online Coach
Marcos Fernández
Business name: Elite Performance Coaching
Country: Costa Rica
Top quality online coaching to help you reach your goals. 100% personalized training programs
Mariia Ivanova
On location Online
Country: Italy
Medical doctor, PhD, Renal Pathologist, Personal Trainer, Fitness and Nutrition
Marina Medvednikova
Business name: Online weight loss
Country: Russia
Personal trainer, curator of a large online project about weight loss. I help you lose weight, gain muscle mass, adjust your diet in accordance with your goals.
Marina Negre
Business name: Marina personal trainer
Country: France
Hey ! Moi c'est Marina. Coach sportive & kinésithérapeute. Je vis entre Bordeaux et Madrid et je propose des coaching en ligne entrainements et nutrition avec un suivi à distance. Si tu souhaites en savoir plus contacte moi via mon adresse mail ou mes réseaux.
Marine Becker
On location Online
Business name: Coaching by M
Country: France
Je m’appelle Marine et je suis une maman, belle maman, femme, fille, sœur, nièce, tante, amie de 34 ans et des paillettes. ? Sportive depuis mes 3 ans, je suis passée par différents sports. Tous en compétition. Gym, tennis, culturisme. ?? Pour moi le sport est une question de santé et de bien être voir de mieux être. Ancienne anorexique et boulimique, le sport a été ma bouée de sauvetage et fait partie intégrante de mon quotidien. Qu’est ce que je propose ? ? ?Un plan alimentaire, sur mesure, en fonction de toi, tes besoins, ton rythme de vie ? Une alimentation variée sans privation. Chez moi, on diversifie et surtout on kiffe ! ????? Un programme sportif en fonction de tes objectifs, en distanciel ou en présentiel ? Un suivi personnalisé, et un accompagnement régulier ? Vous aider à retrouver un équilibre et une santé optimale ? A venir dans quelques mois: Soins reiki
Marion Boulmé
Business name: Marionbcoaching
Country: France
Des années de passion pour la musculation qui m'a sauvé suite à des TCA sévères, j'avais et j'ai toujours soif d'apprendre de nouvelles connaissances concernant la science de la nutrition et entrainement. Je souhaite pouvoir faire evoluer mes clients vers un bien être mental et physique, prouver qu'on peut atteindre des objectifs sans une diet " poulet brocoli riz" et en prenant soin de sa santé. Je vais accompagner mes clients avec des programmes adaptés à leurs objectifs et par la suite avec des accompagnements pour des personnes sensibles aux tca.
Marion Gerace
On location Online
Business name: MG personal trainer
Country: France
Coaching en ligne.
Marion Roger
Business name: Marion Coaching
Country: France
Coach sportive spécialisée dans le bien-être et dans le suivi alimentaire et sportif des diabétiques de type 1.
Marius Børseth
On location Online
Business name: Hell Treningsstudio
Country: Norway
Marius Børseth
Business name: Marius Børseth
Country: Norway
All things fitness related
Mark Thomas
On location Online
Business name: T Total Training
Country: Australia
I am an Australian based Personal Trainer specializing in muscle hypertrophy. I take a science based approach to training and nutrition, in order to deliver quality results and develop life long healthy habits.
Marko Kuzmi?
Country: Croatia
I offer 1 on 1 online coaching on a monthly basis. For more info check out my website.
Martin Dimitrov
On location Online
Country: Bulgaria
Martin Dimitrov
Business name: Martin Dimitrov
Country: Bulgaria
Evidence-based, practically prooved with clients’ results online coach, specialized in work with the woman periodization planning, caloric cycling, and high-frequency training methodology. With women who have thyroid problems (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Syndrom)
Martins Alexis
On location Online
Country: France
Certifié depuis la première promotion Bayesian, j’apporte une vision et approche différente dans la science du sport et de la nutrition
Marvin Edwards
On location Online
Business name: Marvin Edwards
Country: United Kingdom
Online & In Person Coaching
Mathias Jansen
Business name: Mathias Jansen
Country: Netherlands
Mathieu Christophe
Business name: Destination Fitness
Country: France
Coach sportif en ligne pour homme spécialisé dans la perte de gras et la prise de muscle. Ancien boxeur et athlète, je serai là pour t'accompagner 7 jours sur 7 avec un accompagnement de haute qualité !
Matt Terry
On location Online
Business name: Mattterryfitness
Country: United States
Main focus is fat loss, performance and gut health. My competition background includes bodybuilding, Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting. I'm also a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner which means I use lab testing to help design protocols and get to the underlying issues to optimize a client's program.
Matthieu Baker
Business name: mattBcoaching
Country: France
Coach sportif et nutritionnel, je propose des suivis personnalisés à distance aussi bien sur le plan de l'entraînement et de la nutrition.
Matthieu Dejoué
On location Online
Business name: MD Coaching
Country: France
Je m’appelle Matthieu et je suis coach sportif en ligne et en live depuis 2015. Je suis spécialisé dans la prise de muscle pour les hommes maigres.
Matthijs Hekman
On location Online
Business name: Krachtbasis
Country: Netherlands
Krachtbasis offers online coaching and personal training with an emphasis on powerlifting. Through personalisation we will book results!
Matthijs van Geffen
On location Online
Business name: Matthijs van Geffen
Country: Netherlands
Bayesian Personal Trainer and Online Coach based in Amsterdam
Matthis Julien
Business name: Performance Coaching
Country: France
Je suis coach sportif diplômé d'État (BPJEPS Activités de la Forme mention Musculation) depuis Juillet 2020, Préparateur Physique et Mental, et donc depuis Août 2023 Bayesian Personal Trainer ! J'accompagne les pratiquants de musculation dans leurs objectifs afin de les amener à performer, atteindre leurs objectifs physique et de progression en assurant un suivi en ligne 100% personnalisé, main dans la main et basé sur une relation de confiance. Je fais tout mon possible pour lutter contre la stagnation pour aider mes clients à atteindre leur meilleur physique ! Je travaille avec eux pour ce faire sur leur nutrition, leur programmation d'entraînement (via la méthode du Reverse Pyramid), tout l'aspect mental très important au bien-être et la performance, etc... Je suis heureux de pouvoir vivre de ma passion et de la transmettre à mes clients lors de nos collaborations qui vont bien au-delà d'une simple relation -Coach-Client.
Maurice van der Linden
Business name: Linden Lifestyle Balance
Country: Netherlands
Evidence & experience-based online & offline coaching. Exercise, nutrition & behavior: creating individual lifestyle programs that fit the person for a scharp price.
Maxime Clergeau
Business name: Maxime Clergeau
Country: France
French coach and nutritionist, specialised in Bodybuilding, fat loss and health. Passionned about bodybuilding since 5 years, i'm actually still studying in personal training to get better and better for my patients and clients.
Mélanie Yvé
On location Online
Country: France
Confiante, pleine de ressources et à l'écoute, je souhaite vous aider à atteindre VOS objectifs, vous conseiller et vous épauler dans VOTRE parcours et vous prouver que VOUS en êtes capables. Je vous propose un suivi professionnel: sportif/nutritionnel/développement personnel/lifestyle.
Melissa Johnson
Country: United States
I’m a Lead Coach in the Ketogains organization and CoFounder of the Fasttrakk program
Melissa Meynaud
On location Online
Country: France
Personnal trainer prête à changer votre vie.
Michaël Dallery
On location Online
Business name: MDLab Coaching
Country: France
Préparateur Physique. Spécialité Rugby, Sports de Combat et Sports de Balle. Athlètes Amateurs et Professionnels. Strength & Conditioning Coach. Rugby, Combat Sports and Ball Sports Specialties. Amateur and Professional Athletes.
Michael Gallagher
On location Online
Business name: Michael Gallagher
Country: Germany
Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching
Mike Tjeerdsma
On location Online
Business name: Mike's Personal Training & Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Mijn naam is Mike Tjeerdsma, eigenaar en coach bij Mike's Personal Training & Coaching en bij Mike's Personal Training & Coaching helpen wij mensen met hun fysieke en mentale doelstellingen d.m.v. personal training & (online) coaching.
Mike Ying
Country: Hungary
I specialize in helping beginners lose weight to look good naked. Making it easy for beginners to start a sustainable plan.
Mirza Beslagic
On location Online
Country: United Arab Emirates
Henselmans Certified Personal Trainer
Mladen Dimitrov
Business name: Aesthetic By Science
Country: Bulgaria
I am Henselmans Certified Personal Trainer and i help busy professionals achieve their dream physique, through evidence based fitness and nutrition.
Mohamed Mowafi
On location Online
Business name: Fvwzi
Country: United Arab Emirates
My name is Mohamed Fawzi. I’m a 25 years old Egyptian, born and raised in the United Arab Emirates. Aerospace engineer and now a certified trainer. I have quit my job as an engineer recently to pursue bodybuilding and fitness. I’m currently working as personal trainer and an online coach. Competed in 6 competitions and placed between 1st and 3rd in them. I do compete in both bodybuilding and classic physique. My goal is to have my own business, brand, and gym. Also to keep growing as a bodybuilder.
Moritz Dette
Business name: Moritz Dette
Country: Germany
Personal Training in Konstanz & Online Coaching for German strength trainees. Evidence-based practices & professional coaching for nutrition and training
Movement Inc Fitness Pvt Ltd
On location Online
Business name: Movement Inc Fitness Pvt Ltd
Country: India
Muller Mégane
On location Online
Business name: MeganesDiary
Country: Switzerland
J'ai débuté la musculation/fitness a 17 ans, participé a plusieurs compétitions en bikini (IFBB, International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) en France en même temps que mes études pour devenir infirmière. Après mon diplôme, je décide de me former en tant que Personal Trainer (Bayesian Bodybuilding) que j'ai obtenu avec succès. ? A présent, je souhaiterais me diriger vers les médecines naturelles, je serais prochainement à l'école d'aromathérapie de Suisse romande. ? Mon but est de vous donner les clefs pour atteindre vos objectifs : dans votre rééquilibrage alimentaire, perte de poids, entrainement sportif ou dans la modification de vos habitudes alimentaires.
Muriel Pierroz
On location Online
Business name: RiseFlyBe
Country: Switzerland
Passionnée du mouvement et du développement personnel, je ne rêve que de vous aider à être votre ultime vous !
Natacha Khettal
On location
Business name: FitnessNatacha
Country: France
Coach sportif diplômée d'état - musculation, cours collectifs. Certifiée Bayesian Personal Trainer. Professeur de Yoga et de Pilates. J'ai à cœur de partager avec vous le plaisir d'effectuer une séance de sport et qu'elle puisse vous apporter autant un bien-être intérieur qu'extérieur.
Natalia Lutz
On location
Country: Switzerland
Nutrition and habit coaching
Nathalie Grand
Business name: Nathalie Grand
Country: Switzerland
Join me to train your mind and your body! I offer evidence-based resilience training to equip you with the scientifically proven tools to be the best version of yourself for long lasting well-being.
Nevin Barnett
Business name: FitnessLogik
Country: France
Après avoir travaillé 8 ans pour de grandes entreprises françaises j’ai décidé de quitter mon poste d’ingénieur pour me consacrer pleinement à ma passion. J'ai décidé de mettre la rigueur de mon approche scientifique au service de ce qui m'anime véritablement : aider les autres à atteindre leurs objectifs. Apprendre aux sportifs en recherche de progrès à optimiser méthodiquement entraînement et nutrition pour devenir meilleurs, mais aussi enseigner à tous les non sportifs comment manger efficacement et simplement pour être en bonne santé et profiter de la vie sans se prendre la tête.
Nick Brackett
Business name: Brackett Physique Coaching
Country: United States
I am an evidence based physique coach who applies the most recent scientific findings with 15 years of drug free training experience to empower you to build your best body. I don't have the best genetics for bodybuilding and often joke that I am a bodybuilder stuck in a marathon runner's body, but this has driven me to learn and work hard to find out what works for others like myself who need to get everything right in order to look awesome. I stay obsessed with the details so you don't have to.
Nick Chedzoy
Business name: ChedLifts
Country: United Kingdom
Online coach and powerlifter. I help individuals take their physique and strength to the next level.
Nick Milano
Business name: Nick Milano
Country: United States
Online Coaching
Nick van Montfort
On location Online
Business name: Nick van Montfort
Country: Netherlands
I am Nick. I studied Human Movement Sciences (MSc) before this course. I want to combine the scientific and practical knowledge in the coaching field. Besides, I focus mainly on gaining muscle while remaining a good relationship with food.
Nicky Wijtmans
On location Online
Business name: PerspActive Coaching
Country: Netherlands
PerspActive Coaching is er om mensen actief/actiever te laten worden (in de breedste zin van het woord) maar houdt wel rekening met de situatie en plaatst zoveel mogelijk in perspectief. De diensten die worden aangeboden zijn personal training, voedingsadvies op maat, coaching, techniekanalyse en optimalisatie van trainingsschema's/voedingsschema's.
On location Online
Business name: Optimized Body
Country: France
Accompagnement 100% personnalisé, optimisation, suivi, bilan, écoute. Pratiquant d'art martiaux depuis 20 ans je me propose de t'accompagné afin que tu puisses atteindre ton ou tes objectifs.
Niels Lubbinge
On location
Business name: Niels Lubbinge Personal Training
Country: Netherlands
Ik ben Niels Lubbinge, een gecertificeerde personal trainer met als doelgroep afvallen door middel van krachttraining. Mijn passie ligt in het begeleiden van mensen die graag gewicht willen verliezen en een strakker lichaam willen krijgen.
Nigel Pot
Business name: Nigel's Performance Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Fit en energiek je doelen behalen? Ik help jou naar regelmaat in je onregelmatige leven, dit door middel van een persoonsgerichte aanpak. Afvallen, spiermassa opbouwen of je energieker gaan voelen? Door een plan te gaan maken voor in de gym, maar ook hierbuiten, moet dat zeker goed komen.
Nikola Tomov
Business name: Nikola Tomov
Country: Bulgaria
The Science of Being Healthy (play on words in Bulgarian)
Nikolay Panov
On location Online
Country: Bulgaria
Personal and Online Coach. Drug free. Working with people of all ages.
Nikolay Panov
Country: Bulgaria
Helping people become the best version of themselves through science-based methods. The goal is to optimize one’s eating habits, physical activity and lifestyle so that it would fit perfectly with their busy schedules all year round. Working with people of all ages, no matter of their end goals.
Noel Blanco
On location Online
Business name: Noel Blanco
Country: Philippines
Actor, martial artist, stunt man, personal trainer, diet consultant
Oddbjørn Midbø, NO
Online coach for lifestyle, fat loss and strength coaching.
Ole-Kristian Rese
On location Online
Business name: Aktiv365 Sandsli AS
Country: Norway
Ole-Kristian Rese. Henselmans PT-course 2018 summa cum laude.
Oleg Zingilevskiy
Business name: Physical Transformation Project (Russia)
Physical Transformation Project (Russia)
Omkar Bobde
On location Online
Business name: Omkfitness online training.
Country: India
I help individuals to build muscle, get stronger, and look leaner.
On location Online
Business name: OPTIMUM
Country: Austria
We Train Professionals
Optimum Change
On location Online
Business name: Optimum Change
Country: Netherlands
Wij helpen mensen die niet tevreden zijn over hun lichaam of zich hier niet (meer) in herkennen. Dit doen wij op het gebied van Body, Food & Mind.
Ortwin Pahlplatz
Business name: Ortwin Pahlplatz
Country: Netherlands
Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.
Osama Alqurayn
Country: Saudi Arabia
Hello, I'm Osama! I'm a nutritionist, physique coach and fitness content creator. Feel free to reach out to me for any advice or collaboration opportunities.
Paolo van der Linden
Country: Netherlands
Fitness enthousiast willing to help others achieve their fitness goals.
Paramount Fitness
On location Online
Business name: Paramount Fitness
Country: Netherlands
Don’t settle for less. Henselmans Certified Gym. Henselmans Certified Trainers only. Paramount Fitness: Leon van Meijel, Bart Koehorst, Chris Meulbroek, Wendy Raaijmakers en Elke Meyer-Vonk
Parsa Attarieh
On location Online
Business name: Persiascience
Country: Iran
Hello,my field is sport science at university and I'm a independent researcher in bodycomposition.
Paul van Brink
On location Online
Business name: Tri-PT Studio
Country: Netherlands
I started my own PT business in 2008 mainly working with clients at their home and since 2016 I'm also a Certified Triathlon Coach. In September 2019 I opened my PT Studio where we focus on strength training and conditioning. Besides that there's an Endless Pool where you can book a swim analysis- or training. We also have a PowerCycling studio for indoor cycle workouts both for competitive and recreational cyclists.
Pavel Tulyupa
Country: Russia
Online fitness coaching.
Peter Kerris
Business name: Kerris Coaching
Country: Netherlands
A lover of weight training and running who discovered that coaching is his passion. I'm helping people be the best version of themselves.
Peter Robertsen
On location Online
Business name: Peter Robertsen
Country: Norway
PT & Online Coaching
Peter Sivertstøl
Physique, Performance & Lifestyle
Petra Kerkhove
On location Online
Business name: Lopen met een Lach
Country: Netherlands
Ik coach hardlopers en niet hardlopers die vastlopen met issues in techniek, kracht of uithoudingsvermogen naar hun persoonlijke best.
Philip Henze
On location Online
Business name: Ikigai Personal Training
Country: Germany
Mein Name ist Philip. Ich helfe dir dabei, deine Fitnessziele zu erreichen und in dein Leben einzugliedern. Mit Blick für Details und Verständnis neuster Erkenntnisse kommen wir zusammen an dein Ziel!
Pierre Logrado
Business name: lgdcoaching
Country: France
Je coach les gens pour les aider principalement à perdre du poids et à relancer leur métabolisme. Le tout sans se priver et sans faire de régimes drastiques pour maintenir leur perte de poids sur le long terme.
Pieter van Doorn
Business name: Online Fitness Coach Van Doorn
Country: Netherlands
Ik help mensen middels online coaching met maximaal vet verliezen en spiermassa opbouwen.
Prana Ovide-Etienne
On location Online
Business name: La_Prana
Country: France
Coach Fitness spécialisé dans la Souplesse - Brevet d’Etat Activités Gymniques depuis 2007 - Diplômée Bayesian en 2018 - Ancienne Gymnaste Rythmique - Championne de France de Pole Dance 2010 & 2014 - Championne au Canada de Pole Dance 2013
Pratik Thakkar
Business name: 1OAK Lifestyle
Country: India
Pratik Thakkar is an online fitness coach who helps people lose fat by providing science-based recommendations in easy to understand and implement information. He is the founder of 1OAK Lifestyle, a supplement brand as well.
Pratik Thakkar
Business name: Pratik Thakkar
Online fitness coaching for goals ranging from general fitness to physique and strength.
Priscilla Catala Palmero
On location Online
Country: Monaco
Coach passionnée, Maman de 2 enfants. Prête à vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs physique et sportif. Un accompagnement personnalisé d'un ou plusieurs mois selon vos besoins. L’objectif, vous rendre autonome avec la nutrition. Vécu sportif : natation synchronisée, gym, fitness, haltérophile et CrossFit
Quentin Laulier
On location Online
Country: France
Coach diplomé, - Bayesian Bodybuilding - Entraîneur Crossfit Level 1 - Deust MF - BP JEPS AF
Rakesh Tiwari
Business name: cicoproject
Country: India
I am an evidence-based online fitness coach and a fitness studio owner. After pursuing cardiovascular research for seven years at IIT, I dropped out from my Ph.D. to spread awareness about evidence-based fitness practices through my content and help people get in shape through my one-to-one coaching programs. Check out my Instagram and YouTube channels to know more. Prioritise health and stay fit.
Raphael Kim
Business name: Raphael Kim Personal Trainer
Country: France
ersonal trainer certifié de la Formation Bayesian Bodybuilding, je te propose un accompagnement (avec ou sans suivi). Un coaching à distance mais je serai présent et à ton écoute. Pour les programmes avec suivi, je t’accompagnerai semaine après semaine pour atteindre ton but et serais joignable 7j/7 pour répondre à toutes tes questions.
Raphaël Vignal
On location Online
Country: France
Bonjour, certifié depuis 2022 et passionné/pratiquant depuis 2015, je vous accompagne dans votre objectif quel qui soit (perte de poids, prise de muscle/force etc), et ce peu importe qui vous êtes, je m'adapte à vos conditions. Également formé en réathlétisation, je vous accompagne pour avoir un corps performant, mobile, et fort.
Rémi Molimard
On location Online
Business name: RM Coaching
Country: France
Responsable de salle de musculation - Sport Inside Coaching en ligne - RM Coaching Recomposition corporelle / entraînement / alimentation / lifestyle
René Domingo Hernández Ramírez
On location Online
Business name: The hunters paleo
Country: Mexico
Online full training and diet assessment. Paleo, paleolowcarb, keto and carnivore expert. Current ironman, mountain biking and jiujitsu fighter.
Reno van Heiningen
On location
Business name: Club Confidence
Country: Netherlands
Hoi, ik ben Reno. Sinds 2022 heb ik de Henselmans Personal Trainingscursus voltooid. Tegelijkertijd met de cursus heb ik mijn eigen trainingsstudio opgericht: Club Confidence. Wij richten hier ons op het geven van Small Group Trainingen en Personal Training. Het doel: sporten op een leuke, verantwoordde en efficiënte manier in te zetten om je leven te verbeteren.
Ricardo Caetano
On location Online
Business name: Ricardo Caetano Personal Training
Country: Portugal
Serviço personalizado de treino físico e nutrição. Especialista em recomposição corporal.
Robert Johnson
On location Online
Business name: MetaApe Training
Country: United States
Using Evidenced-based strength training I have worked with 100s of clients all across North America to help them become the strongest version of themselves. 8+ years of coaching experience. Online/In Person Coaching.
Roberto Cutrale
On location Online
Business name: Cutrale Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Hi, mijn naam is Roberto en afgelopen september (2022) de Henselmans PT cursus afgerond. Na al wat vrienden/kennissen gecoacht te hebben vanaf 2023 de start gemaakt om van mijn hobby mijn werk te maken, en dat is mensen op weg hebben naar en gezondere levensstijl.
Robin de Vries
On location Online
Business name: Robin de Vries & Esther de Vries Fit & Food Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Fit & Food Coaching is offering nutrition coaching and personal training either online or offline .
Rodolphe Vito
On location Online
Business name: My Hustle
Country: France
Graduated from higher business school, I’m self-educated lover of physical culture, biology and nutrition. One of my major assets: a special taste for personal development, mental preparation and positive psychology. Achieving happiness is a daily and lasting goal. And, being healthy is an important parameter that could help you to achieve it.
Romane Giuliani
On location Online
Business name: Romane Giuliani / Improvedbyrg
Country: France
Je m'appelle Romane et je suis coach sportif diplômé d'un BPJEPS AF et de Bayesian France. J'exerce mon métier de coach aussi bien en salle qu'en ligne. Vrai passionné de ce domaine, je m'intéresse énormément à la science et à l'évolution de ce milieu, je cherche continuellement à me former et à enrichir mes connaissances. Mon but à long terme serait de faire des compétitions de bodybuilding afin de pouvoir coacher des athlètes aussi bien dans leur prépa que dans leur poing. Je me spécialise, à l'heure actuelle, majoritairement dans le coaching pour femmes (perte de poids, prise de masse, performances, confiance en soi).
Ron van Biezen
On location Online
Business name: Oldie PT & Voedingscoaching
Country: Netherlands
Of je een strakker lijf wilt, wilt afvallen zonder jojo effect, huwelijksdag ready, sportiever uiterlijk, fotoshoot of bodybuilding wedstrijd ambities hebt. Ik kan je hulp bieden. Na het invullen van een intake formulier komen wij gezamenlijk tot een houdbaar plan van aanpak.
Ronan Moisan
Country: France
Coach Sportif et passionné de sport depuis tout petit. Mon But est de vous faire parvenir à vos objectifs avec des réunions Skype le plus souvent possible pour mettre à jour votre entrainement/nutrition.
Rowan Gravesteijn
On location Online
Business name: Personal Training Lounge
Country: Netherlands
Rumor Damien
On location Online
Country: France
Coach sportif de 28 ans, certifié bayesian. Je propose des services en ligne avec ou sans suivi et bien évidemment personnalisé. Je m'adapte en fonction des personnes (travail, pathologies, morphologies)
Ruqaya Al-Sada
Business name: PROUD
Country: Qatar
I'm a certified personal trainer with a proven track record of helping clients reach their fitness goals and enhance their lives. Now it's your turn! I believe in teamwork, so we'll collaborate to achieve YOUR goals. With customized workout plans, personalized nutrition advice, and continuous support, I aim to make your fitness journey both effective and enjoyable. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or simply improve your health, I'll be there every step of the way. Let's unlock your full potential and transform your life together!
Ryan Beucken
On location Online
Business name: Ryanbeuckenfitness
Country: Netherlands
Ik ben Ryan Beucken ik sport nu ongeveer tien jaar en wil andere helpen zo simpel mogelijk resultaat te behalen met hun fysieke doelen en hun hoop geven om dit te bereiken.
Sagar Ahuja
Business name: thesagarahujashow
Country: India
We offer online training which specializes in teaching exercises online
Salomé Sabras
Business name: salome.sabras@hotmail.fr
Country: France
Diplômée de la formation Bayesian France en 2023, je serai très heureuse de mettre mes solides connaissances à profit pour t'aider à atteindre tes objectifs physiques.
Sami Anani
On location Online
Business name: Sami Anani
Country: France
Mr Focus. Personal Trainer. C'est l'heure d'être Focus.
Sami Anani
On location Online
Country: France
L'histoire est sur le point de s'écrire, à vous de vouloir en faire partie si votre désire est assez puissant. C'est l'heure des focus.
Samuel Limon
Business name: LmnCoaching
Country: France
Santiago Olivar
On location Online
Business name: Liftify
Country: Mexico
In person and online training for busy people helping strengthen their bodies and minds.
Sébastien Bureau
Business name: Seb_strengthpt
Country: France
Salut à tous ! Je m’appel Sébastien, je suis kinésithérapeute du sport et coach sportif passionné par le milieu de la musculation. Je propose des plans d’entraînements ainsi que des plan alimentaires adaptés à ta situation et à tes objectifs. Je m’occupe également de la réhabilitation et de la réathlétisation de sportifs blessés. Cette double casquette me permet d’avoir une vision globale et de proposer ce qu’il se fait de mieux pour te permettre d’atteindre tes objectifs et de performer au plus haut niveau.
Serge van der Pluijm
On location
Business name: VDP Personal Training
Country: Netherlands
Personal Trainer op locatie in de regio van Hellevoetsluis. Ik heb tijdens de lockdown uit noodzaak een bus ingericht als sportschool. Met de "Gym on Wheels" van VDP Personal Training zoek ik klanten op en train bij hen in de buurt.
On location Online
Business name: STERKER
Country: Netherlands
Bij STERKER is iedereen welkom. Welk postuur je ook hebt, welk doel je ook wilt behalen. Iedereen is uniek en wij kijken samen hoe we jou fysiek maar ook mentaal sterker kunnen maken.
Shannon Bhatia
On location Online
Business name: Simplicity Training
Country: United States
Online Coach and In-person PT. Specializes in Busy Women in their 30s
Shannon Bhatia
On location Online
Business name: Slimmer and Stronger
Country: United States
Hello, I'm Coach Shannon, a certified strength and conditioning coach and I specialize in sustainable fat loss and strength training for women so you don't need to worry about gaining back the weight in the long-term. My philosophy is to use simple, practical and evidence-based principles to help you get into better shape and improve your overall well-being without it taking over your life. There’s no short-term fixes, fads, or gimmicks. Just real results that last.
Shannon Billows
On location Online
Business name: Shannon Billows
Country: Australia
In person and online coaching with an evidence based approach.
Shawnda Welch
On location Online
Business name: Calyx Health and Fitness
Country: United States
I am a proud wife, mother and grandmother with a passion for bodybuilding and healthy living. I offer personalized, online and in-person coaching, using proven science based methods learned through Menno Henselman’s PT course. I have a personal passion for bodybuilding, nutrition and whole body wellness! My goal as a trainer is to partner with women through all stages of life to improve their physique and whole body health for longevity and personal confidence.
Siddharth Tiwari
Business name: Hypertroph
Country: India
I am a Youtuber and a Fitness Coach based out of India. My Youtube Channel is one of India's favourite and my mission is to grow to India's most trusted fitness brand in next 5 years.
Sidibe Bilaly
On location Online
Country: France
Bonjour je suis personal trainer bayesian, je peux t'aider à attendre tes OJECTIFS. Je suis spécialisé dans la performance pour les footballeurs professionnels et amateurs.
Simon Haley
On location Online
Business name: Trainstation Training Centre
Country: Australia
Personal trainer and manager at The Trainstation Training Centre (TTC)
Simon Rilling
On location Online
Business name: Simon Rilling
Country: Switzerland
PT & Online Coach
Slim Living
On location Online
Country: Netherlands
Solène Paris
Country: France
Passionnée de musculation depuis plusieurs années, je propose des coachings en ligne à toute personne souhaitant se lancer en musculation et/ou en apprendre davantage sur ce sport. Je propose également des coaching en nutrition pour permettre à tous de s'épanouir et de profiter des délices culinaires sans avoir à souffrir de frustration et en répondant à leurs objectifs.
Son Tran
On location Online
Business name: Son Tran
Country: Vietnam
I provide online and in person training with focus on fat loss and muscle gain in Hanoi - Vietnam.
Stanislav Chakarov
Business name: Stanislav Chakarov
Country: Bulgaria
The Science of Being Healthy (play on words in Bulgarian)
Stanislav Paseka
On location Online
Business name: Exclury.cz - Stanislav Paseka
Country: Czech Republic
Are you serious and drug-free lifter training 3+ times per week? Want to break a plateau, keep your 6-pack year-round, or maximize strength and muscle growth? Check my websites.
Stanislav Tsallagov
Country: Russia
I am ex-scientist with background in biochemistry and structural biology, who switched to Data Science in finance. Healthy nutrition, fitness, and strength training has been my passion for 8 years. Now I am applying my skills to help other career-focused people with science-based training and nutritional strategies to get desired physique with limited time and high stress.
Stefan Schenter
Great Training. Tasty Nutrition.
Stefan te Veluwe
On location
Business name: Stefan te Veluwe
Country: Netherlands
Down to earth personal trainer. Specialized in strength training, weight loss, nutrition and maintaining a balanced and enjoyable lifestyle.
Stefanie van der Ham
On location
Business name: Fitnessscheveningen
Country: Netherlands
Hoi, mijn naam is Stefanie van der Ham. Samen met mijn compagnon Eveline van Haaften hebben wij de PT studio Fitnessscheveningen. Wij bieden hier zowel Personal Training als Boksworkouts aan. De training gaat samen met een individueel afgestemd trainingsprogramma en voedingsadvies.
Stéphanie Palandre
On location Online
Business name: PhysioFitSanté
Country: France
Masseur-kinesitherpeute D.E, formée à l'hypnose et à la micro-nutrition. Je peux accompagner tous types de sportifs que celui-ci soit débutant, intermédiaire ou accomplis. Je peux vous accompagner dans la mise en place d'une activité physique ou reprise sportive, dans la prévention ou le traitement des blessures.
Steve Driver
On location Online
Business name: Drive Fitness
Country: United Kingdom
Personal Trainer and Online Coach. 13 years experience as a Personal Trainer. Focusing on body composition changes through strength training. Offering Online Coaching Packages. 1-1 Personal Training Packages in the London SW8 area.
Steven M. Kemp
Business name: Steven M. Kemp
Country: United Kingdom
Physical Culture for the Net Generation
Stijn Jansen
On location Online
Business name: In Progress PT
Country: Netherlands
Through personal training and (online) coaching/counseling, I help my clients to realize the desired body composition. My approach is characterized by a combination of science and practice.
Stijn van Willigen
Online On location
Business name: BodylogiQ
Country: Netherlands
I want your hard work in the gym (and in the kitchen) to pay off. With evidence-based motivational, training, and nutrition coaching, we’ll take your physique to levels you previously though impossible. Most importantly, we’ll make this fit your lifestyle so it’s sustainable in the long run.
Stoltz Alex
Country: France
Pratiquant de musculation depuis plus de 10 ans, je propose un service de coaching online pour permettre à chacun d'améliorer sa composition corporelle et sa santé.
Susan Fouché
Business name: Hernu-U
Country: South Africa
I am a passionate affordable Henselmans Online Coach that offers various personalized program packages. I have a passion for renewal of body and mind through movement.
Sven Baas
On location Online
Business name: Sven Baas
Country: Netherlands
No-nonsense Personal Trainer and Online Coach. Offering a science-based approach on strength training, nutrition, supplements and lifestyle.
Tania Rakchaev
Business name: Bio Babe Health & Fitness
Country: Australia
Optimising nutrition & fitness for women who lift worldwide.
On location
Country: Belgium
Bij ons kan je niet alleen terecht voor personal, small group en circuit training, maar daarnaast ook voor no-nonsense voedingsbegeleiding.
Teilleux Virginie
On location Online
Country: France
Je suis Virginie, diplômée de la formation Bayesian Bodybuilding France Je suis passionnée par le bien-être et la santé des personnes ainsi que la mienne c'est pourquoi j'ai décidé de faire cette formation. Je suis actuellement en formation pour devenir chiropracteur qui est une autre façon de prendre soin de soi. J'ai toujours été plongé dans ce milieu là et je ne cesserai de partager et de mettre en pratique toutes mes connaissances.
Théo Barroso
Business name: tbcoaching
Country: France
Je m’appelle Théo, coach sportif spécialisé dans la transformation physique, ma devise : c’est du taff, mais c’est du kiff. Dans la quête du bien-être et d’un équilibre dans son lifestyle.
Théo Brochard
Business name: TheOnlyFit
Country: France
Coach sportif mais pas que… Je suis quelqu’un à l’écoute et qui s’adapte au mode de vie de chacun pour atteindre nos objectifs.
Theophane Hoarau
On location Online
Business name: Suicide Fat Nutrition Coaching
Country: France
Personal Traineur en ligne Compétiteur en Men's physique Ifbb Passionner d'anatomie et de nutrition Très à l'écoute, propose des services un personnaliser et adapter Que se sois du suivis à distance, du training particulier, du small groupe, Tout profil: jeune, sénior, sédentaire, sportif, diabétique, réathlétisation, Infirme moteur cérébrale, prise de muscle, perde de poids, recomposition corporel.... Diplômes : Bpjeps af Cs Amap French Pt course
Thibault Redin
Business name: Coaching
Country: France
Je vais te montrer comment perdre du gras, prendre du muscle, construire le physique que tu veux et surtout le garder pour le reste de ta vie. Et cela sans te priver de tes aliments préférés, sans passer des heures et des heures en salle de sport et tout cela en t'apprenant à devenir autonome.
Thibaut Peron
Business name: Spartan Fitness
Country: France
Passionné par le fitness et la musculation depuis plus de 12 ans, j'ai lancé mon site début 2020. Je suis trainer online pour les hommes, axé force et cross training et je suis également distributeur de marques reconnues spécialisé Home Gym en combinaison avec le coaching. Je propose du suivi individuel sur 6 mois et 1 an (entraînement et nutrition), ainsi que des formations spécifiques, dont le but est d'aider ma clientèle cible à progresser en force, en masse musculaire et de développer un corps plus fit et athlétique.
Thomas Campidell
On location Online
Business name: Thomas Campidell
Country: Austria
MSc Psychology; Training programming/nutrition and behavior/lifestyle change following an evidence based holistic approach.
Thomas Nordal Rasmussen
On location Online
Business name: Nordalfitness
Country: Denmark
With more than 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, both as coach and athlete at the top level, Thomas Nordal Rasmussen has a solid experience, when it comes to online coaching. He has an unpretentious approach to his work based on the practical application of proven methods and techniques.
Thomas Thoresen
Business name: Thoresen Fitness
Country: Norway
I help people lose fat and get fit without giving up their favorite foods!
Thomas Wagner
Business name: Thomas Wagner
Country: Germany
Personal Trainer / Fitness & diet Consultant- M.A. sports science. Evidence based training and nutrition in germany.
Tihomir Velev
On location Online
Business name: BB-Team
Country: Bulgaria
BB-Team is the health & fitness pioneer in Bulgaria. BB-Team provides a range of consultancy services in case you need help in putting yourself on the right (healthy) track.
Tim Koning
Business name: Personal Training Hoorn
Country: Netherlands
Rehab trainer, Strength and Conditioningscoach. No-nonsense attitude, the goal is to creating a healthy lifestyle for my clients, a healthy diet, the wright movements, less injuries and more happiness.
Timo Cools
Business name: Ethical Gains
Country: Netherlands
Ethical Gains zorgt ervoor dat jij als vegan het meeste uit je lichaam haalt zodat je je goed voelt, er goed uitziet, een sterk mens bent en een voorbeeld bent voor anderen.
Tomas Bartos
On location Online
Country: Czech Republic
Online training made personal for everyone. Not using same protocol for everybody. Training everybody from average Joe to athletes. Using evidence based and own experience for making the best training possible.
Tomas Bartos
On location Online
Business name: Barbar gym
Country: Czech Republic
Strength and conditioning coach with own private gym. Im working with all people who want lose weigth or increase muscle or athletes to prep for their sport.
Tor Erik Skuggen
On location Online
Business name: Tor Erik Skuggen
Country: Norway
PT & Online Coach
Tor Erik Skuggen
On location Online
Business name: Eminent Helse
Country: Norway
Osteopath DO. Personal trainer.
Torben Keller
On location Online
Business name: CrossFit North 579
Country: Denmark
Tristan Boistay
Business name: Tristank-coaching
Country: France
Fort de mon expérience de compétiteur (national et international) regrouper avec la formation Bayesian je propose des programmes ultra-personnalisé de débutant à compétiteur.
Tristan Urbany
On location Online
Business name: Basic Whey
Country: Netherlands
Mijn naam is Tristan, vader van drie jonge kinderen, fulltime werkzaam als business analist, mede-eigenaar van basicwhey.nl en ik help mensen met het opstarten van sport- en voedingsroutines en de basics van fitness.
Tyler Cartwright
Online Coaching with a focus on lifestyle and behavioral change in an evidence-based and practical environment.
Valentina Ricci
On location Online
Country: Netherlands
I am Valentina Ricci, fitness and sport fanatic since I was a kid, joined the bodybuilding and fitness community for two years now. I am now working on building my own business to be able to help people getting a healthier lifestyle and stronger mindset. I am a mom of a small daughter and I would love to also support women who would like to better themselves up for their kids and lead as example. My passion stays within the bodybuilding world, and with strength training in general. Looking forward to giving my help!
Vanessa Salas
On location Online
Country: United States
Formerly obese, I have personal experience with sustainable weight loss through a real, whole foods diet. Passionate about powerlifting, strength training in general. My goal as a trainer is to improve physiques with life long habits.
Vasil Genkov
Business name: Vasil Genkov Online Coaching
Country: Bulgaria
Passionate online personal trainer, offering online coaching, live online training sessions, and custom training and nutrition programs.
Veronica Malinska
On location Online
Business name: Transform Today & 3Food
Country: Netherlands
Hello there! My name is Veronica, and I'm an all-in-one personal trainer, body composition expert, performance and nutrition coach, and yoga maestro! With over 25 years of experience in sports, including professional swimming and being the Dutch bodybuilding champion, I am currently preparing for an Ironman race this year. My passion is to bring out the best in each of my clients by creating winning strategies that are tailored to even the busiest entrepreneurs. My specialty is personalized fitness journeys, and I create workout plans perfectly aligned with your lifestyle and goals. With cutting-edge techniques and my deep knowledge of body composition, I can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, boost your energy levels, and optimize your nutrition for peak performance. You can trust me to prepare you for success, and I'm excited to start this transformative wellness journey with you today!
Victor Mooren
Online On location
Business name: Victor Mooren
Country: Netherlands
Recomp Zone guids cliënts in achieving positive changes in body composition (less body fat and more muscle) and helps them with the adaptation of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Vinko Vrsalovic
Country: Spain
I was a regular unfit person who wasn't good at sports or anything active until I decided to get fit. That led to a long journey of over 10 years through several disciplines and nutritional experiments that led me to Menno's coaching and later to Menno's PT certification. Nowadays I've managed to find a sustainable routine, I'm fit and eat healthily - nothing crazy, I do have visible fat, I don't have huge muscles and I don't do ultra marathons or similar feats. If my journey resonates, I'd be delighted to help you get fit using my experience and knowledge.
Violette DUVAL
Business name: Violette Duval
Country: France
Passionnée de musculation et de triathlon ou de trail long distance, j'accompagne les sportifs dans leur chemin vers une alimentation optimisée ou intuitive pour leur permettre d'atteindre leurs objectifs. Ma certification Bayesian s'accompagne d'un diplôme en diététique.
Vith Coaching
On location Online
Business name: Vith Coaching
Country: Netherlands
Bij Vith Coaching is alles erop gericht om jou te helpen het maximale uit jezelf en jouw leven te halen. Samen op weg naar meer vitaliteit en het behalen van je fysieke én levensdoelen met een evidence based aanpak.
Vitor Moura Vasconcelos
On location Online
Business name: Vitor Moura Vasconcelos
Country: Brazil
Vitor Moura Vasconcelos
Always working my best to provide you the best personal program. No time wasting, no money wasting, no miracle diets or circus training, just good hard work. Dedicated at my best to all of my clients. Always giving all of my efforts, to give you what you need I only need your efforts to give you what you want.
Vivek Ghangas
On location Online
Business name: Vivek Ghangas
Country: India
Alpharaj is an unbiased, independent and evidence-based organization devoted to spreading science, critical thinking and skepticism in the health and fitness industry. We create the best online training environment for people who wish to reach their physique, performance and health goals.
Vu Nguyen Minh Tuan
Country: Vietnam
Educate, help every normal people master their physique by online coaching with best practices around strength training, nutrition, lifestyle, and behavior components.
Wiebe Koelman
On location Online
Business name: Evolve | Human Health & Performance
Country: Netherlands
Mijn naam is Wiebe, 33 jaar en de oprichter van Evolve. Of je nu je fysieke prestaties wilt verbeteren, een gezondere leefstijl wilt aannemen, of simpelweg beter in je vel wilt zitten, ik sta voor je klaar om je stap voor stap te ondersteunen.
Wouter de Jong
On location
Business name: Pro Active Medicine
Country: Netherlands
Wouter de Jong studeerde af aan de Haagse Hogeschool voor Voeding en Diëtetiek. Daarna specialiseerde hij zich in (top)sport. Hij past zijn grote passie voor voeding, sport en ultieme gezondheid zelf dagelijks toe: walk your talk.
Yousef AlGaradi
On location Online
Country: Kuwait
I’m Yousef AlGaradi, an engineer by degree. I’ve always been a fitness enthusiast. I have been in this field for 14 years and never thought of working in it until I realized how much I love changing people’s lives to become their better selves.
Zach Moore
Country: United States
Personalized coaching for body composition, performance, and/or health
Zhasmina Gevezieva
Business name: Binge OFF
Country: Bulgaria
Creator of the first online platform in Bulgaria for creating healthy eating habits, devoted to binge eating treatment. 2xNational Powerlifting Champion and active bikini fitness competitor.