3 Minute Tomato soup
If you’re like me, you agree that being hungry all day on a diet sucks, big time. So, you’re willing to invest a little bit of your time to make things more bearable. A little bit of your time, not hours and no fancy shit. If you’re like that, you’re gonna appreciate this recipe. Because, all you need for this dish are 3 ingredients, a (stick) blender and 3 minutes of your time.
It’s cheap, filling and the most amazing thing about this soup is that you can easily store all the ingredients in your cupboard and make a ‘3-minute tomato soup’ in emergency situations as well.
Yeah, yeah I get it ‘not fresh’ and all that. I’ve made tomato soup from fresh tomatoes a billion times, and guess what? This one taste just as good. The secret? A little hint of sweetener. Heck, in fact, if you’re not gonna use sweetener, skip this one. It will not taste good without a bit of sweetener.
750 g – 1.6 lbs Whole tomatoes in juice, canned
1 Chicken stock cube
Bit of zero calorie sweetener *
*We used pure sucralose powder.
Macros (per 1/2 servings)
Protein: 4 g
Fat: 2.5 g
Carbohydrates: 15 g
Energy: 89 kcal
1. Put all ingredients, minus the sweetener, in a large sauce pan or soup pot. Bring it to a boil.
2. Once boiled, add a bit of sweetener to taste.
3. Serve.

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